Tom and Mary Vande Gutche of Raleigh, North Carolina, have always had a heart for preborn children. But when they learned about Human Coalition and our Continuum of Care program to help abortion-minded women rebuild their lives, they knew they had to get involved.
What got us both very excited about Human Coalition was not only their passion and excitement about the cause of LIFE, but also [their] strategic approach to accomplishing this important mission of seeing abortion ultimately ended.”
Tom and Mary have witnessed firsthand the impact Human Coalition has made in their community. In just two years since becoming a part of the Human Coalition family, our Raleigh Women’s Care Clinic is rescuing more children than ever before.
Moreover, hundreds of women and families have received tangible, long-term assistance to overcome the obstacles that often prevent a woman from choosing life for her child.
When we saw what [Human Coalition] has been able to do, we asked ourselves, ‘Why aren’t we doing this in more cities?’”
To that end, Tom and Mary took their support to the next level, providing a lead gift that will help Human Coalition expand our mission into abortion-dense cities nationwide.
We asked ourselves, ‘If not us, then who?’ We realized it boils down to support. We wanted to partner with Human Coalition to end abortion in our lifetime.”
When asked what they would tell others who are on the fence about giving to Human Coalition, Todd responded, “
God wants us to be open-handed and give what we can…. If we aren’t the voice for the preborn child, then who will be?”
Will you be a voice for preborn children and help Human Coalition expand our pro-life rescue system in cities nationwide?
Get involved today!