As you can imagine we receive all sorts of emails and comments at Media Revolution and the Human Coalition project. These comments provide excellent insight into the mindset of the pro-abortion position.
Here is a recent comment:
“How is it any of your business what a woman chooses to do to her own body? So you think that these women should have their babies adopted or put into foster care so they can be placed with a family who molests them or abuses them? Because that’s what happens in a majority of cases. That is, if they are “lucky” enough to even be adopted. Your organization makes me want to vomit. IT’S THE WOMAN’S CHOICE AND HER BODY! GROW UP AND STOP TRYING TO MAKE HER DECISIONS FOR HER!”
Most of the pro-abortion comments we receive include similar themes:
1. Expression of outrage that we would tell a woman what to do with her body.
2. The pro-life position means that babies will be born into adverse and potentially abusive situations.
3. We make decisions for women.
#1 and #3 are simple to address. We do not, of course, tell a woman what to do with her body, nor do we make decisions for her. This is a typical emotional response from someone who is most likely experiencing hurt themselves.
The fact is that 87-90% of abortion-minded women change their minds and choose life after they’ve had a sonogram. We just provide a conduit for them to get a complete picture of what is going on inside their bodies. In that sense, we have common ground with the pro-choice segment – we just believe women should have complete and accurate information before making a choice.
It’s point #2 that has surprised me. There appears to be a very healthy segment of the population that believes in population control through abortion.
If the pro-life majority is going to win the War for Life, we must fully grasp the worldview of the pro-abortion populace. And this idea of social mercy through abortion is a very, very real philosophy that must be confronted.
I had a recent conversation with someone who had worked in the social services sector. They maintained that abortion was a just and even merciful action of our society, since she had witnessed the impact of fatherless and degraded family conditions first hand. Her position was it was better not to be born than to be born into deplorable conditions.
I’m not an ethics or morality expert by any means, but we must have intelligent and compassionate responses to this position if we are to gain ground for Life in the minds of Americans.
Before I address this, I’d like to hear your comments. You can post them at our Facebook page.