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It’s hard to believe, but the end to 2020 has come and gone, and it is well into the first month of the new year.
I know that many of us entered the new year filled with anticipation that maybe – just maybe – 2021 would not be as difficult.
But let’s be honest… so far, this year hasn’t felt very different.
The COVID-19 pandemic is still impacting our daily lives. The country is still filled with unrest, injustice, and deep division. And the path forward still seems unclear.
The start of a new year also brings a stark reminder of the millions of children around the world who are missing because of abortion. According to one study, over 42 million abortions were performed around the world last year.
That means abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2020 – overtaking heart disease, cancer, and even COVID-19.
For those of us committed to advocating for children in the womb, that’s what you and I are up against. We are up against a culture of death that dehumanizes and discriminates against preborn children – killing them faster than a highly contagious virus. We are up against a powerful abortion industry, led by the abortion giant of Planned Parenthood, which possesses deep support and influence in all parts of society.
And with the inauguration of a new Administration, America’s leadership in the White House and in Congress has swung to a pro-abortion majority. There’s no doubt that the abortion industry is eager to take advantage of their support to make the deadly procedure more accessible than ever.
With everything we’re up against, it’s easy to feel discouraged, disappointed, and overwhelmed. But today, I want to encourage you: now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to keep your eyes on the Lord!
Turning New Challenges into New Opportunities
I’ve recently had the privilege to publish a few articles and talk publicly about how we should approach this year after everything we faced in 2020. And each time, I keep coming back to Psalm 16:8: “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
This is such an important verse that can be applied in virtually every aspect of your life regardless of what you’re going through. It’s a verse that instills peace, patience, confidence, hope, and fortitude – in the good times and the bad.
That’s how we must approach this year. We must be ready to face any new challenge and turn it into a new opportunity. We can’t forget that God is sovereign – which means nothing surprises Him and all things can be used to bring Him glory.
At Human Coalition, last year certainly brought new challenges. It challenged how we could provide care for women and families over the phone instead of in person. It challenged how we could counter the messaging and manipulation of the abortion industry. It challenged our involvement in communities and churches amid widespread shutdowns.
But as we kept our eyes on the Lord and courageously pursued His calling, these challenges turned into new opportunities to build connections, innovate patient care, and reach more moms and families. And ultimately, your support of these new opportunities led to more than 4,100 children rescued from abortion during 2020.
As the challenges of 2021 are building up already, it’s important to keep our eyes on the Lord, pursue His calling, and be ready to turn new challenges into new opportunities.
The Time Is Always Right
In June 1965, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a commencement address for Oberlin College. During his speech, he said:
“Somewhere we must come to see that human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability. It comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals. Without this hard work, time becomes an ally of the primitive forces of social stagnation. So we must help time and realize that the time is always right to do right.”
Dr. King was, of course, referring to racial injustice, but his message can also apply to the injustice of abortion we see today.
Justice for preborn children will not simply come with time. It’s not inevitable or a guarantee. Ending abortion will take the “tireless efforts” and “persistent work” of pro-life partners, just like you.
It’s not possible for there to be a wrong time to protect the dignity of human life. It’s not possible for there to be a wrong time to be a voice for the voiceless.
Much like dealing with the injustice of racism, there will be challenges and setbacks, and ending the injustice of abortion won’t happen overnight. Abortion has devastated the lives of countless people for nearly fifty years – through every leadership change and political makeup in Washington. No one claims the mission we’ve taken is easy.
But no matter the opposition or perceived likelihood of short-term success, we can be certain that “the time is always right” to pursue this audacious mission and protect the most vulnerable among us.
Will YOU Join Us?
Studies show that upwards of one million preborn children will be killed at the hands of the abortion industry in America this year alone.
Instead of choosing to be crushed by the challenges… instead of giving up and allowing the abortion industry to go uncontested… Human Coalition is keeping our eyes on the Lord and will not be shaken.
That’s why we are continuing our commitment to rescue as many preborn children, their moms, and their families from abortion as possible in 2021. We are continuing to push back against the culture of death with a message of hope and love.
So now, my question for you is: Will YOU join us?
Will you approach the year keeping your eyes on the Lord? Will you not allow yourself to be shaken by the challenges you face? Will you stand up for preborn children – even when it’s not popular or easy?
You have an opportunity to impact thousands of lives. You have an opportunity to show moms and families that there is reason to be hopeful.
Right now – the start of a new year – is the right time to take on these new challenges and turn them into new opportunities.
Learn how you can get involved today at

Benjamin Watson is the father of seven, former NFL tight end, and pro-life advocate. Benjamin serves on the Advisory Board for Human Coalition.