As a somewhat introverted person, I’m normally not inclined to join a few hundred thousand people in a confined space and walk a few city blocks in 40-degree weather! But this year’s March for Life in Washington D.C. was inspiring and momentous. And even before we marched to the Supreme Court to show our solidarity for Life, HC helped launch the first-ever OneVoiceDC prayer and worship meeting the night before. Both events showed that regardless of race, color, denomination, or sect, we stand unified in our quest to see abortion ended in America.

OneVoiceDC led a worship service on the eve of March for Life 2015. (Capital Life Church/Facebook)
Nearly 400 people from a wide variety of religious and ethnic backgrounds — Protestant, Catholic, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian — and even a variety of political parties gathered for this moving two-and-a-half-hour prayer and worship event. And over 40 other pro-life groups joined us during this powerful evening of prayer. Together, we cried out to God and asked for His forgiveness for the slaughter of 57 million innocent unborn children in our nation. We prayed for healing for those families who’ve chosen abortion, and we prayed that God will continue to bless our efforts as we seek to end abortion in our land.
God did not disappoint. The evening was anointed with unity and grace as hundreds of us stood together before our Creator God. The music was powerful and the prayers effective.
The following afternoon, Human Coalition marched alongside a few hundred thousand of our fellow U.S. citizens to protest the Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade. We passed out hundreds of signs that read Save the Baby Humans, and our band of marchers certainly made an impact.
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After the March, we tried to taxi over to the Capitol building. After spending 45 minutes to get just three blocks up the street, we eventually got out and walked (and then ran) the rest of the way! We barely made it on time to HC’s own public pro-life forum, which featured some of Congress’s leading voices in the defense of Life, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rep. Diane Black (R-TN), Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), and Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC). Each one spoke about his or her efforts to protect Life — both in the legislature, and in the culture at large.
I had the privilege of facilitating this forum, during which I shared information from my new book, Deliver Us from Abortion: Awakening the Church to End the Killing of America’s Children. Both Fox News and the AP Affiliates covered the event, which featured over 40 participants.
I’m now back in Dallas, rested and ready for our next adventure here at Human Coalition. But I have wonderful memories of standing with thousands upon thousands of kindred spirits — most of whom were young people, which I felt was very encouraging for the future of the pro-life movement. During the March I know we made a powerful statement that abortion will be ended in America — and our generation will be the one to make it happen.
(Capitol Hill Forum Images by ROC Studios)