At Human Coalition we conscientiously battle the Pauline Kael syndrome and remain outside of the pro-life echo chamber. In an effort to keep our finger on the pulse of people who support abortion, Human Coalition seeks to engage those who are opposed to the life-saving work we do. Through love and understanding, we strive to winsomely argue for the sanctity of life, draw others to our cause, and ultimately end abortion in America.
Because of this, Human Coalition is often subject to attacks, hate mail, and contempt from those who feel threatened by what we do. Below are just a few examples of some recent comments that were posted in iTunes’ Customer Reviews regarding the Human Coalition iPhone App:
I share these reviews with you not to incite anger or vilify those who disagree with us. Rather, I want you to understand that oftentimes those who support the killing of the unborn are equally as invested in their beliefs as we are invested in ours.
And they are usually misinformed. In the above cases, the commenters’ key point is that Human Coalition, which employs some men, is not qualified to speak or act on abortion because it is a women’s issue.
However, abortion is not just a women’s issue—it is a parental issue. There are numerous reasons why this is so, but here are just a few:
- Every pregnancy requires sperm as well as an egg; thus, a man has a key role to play in the creation of a human being.
- While Roe v. Wade completely removes the father from having any say or right to protect his unborn child, those men who want their children to live will ultimately suffer when women have an abortion without their consent.
- Abortion exploits women—it does not further gender equality. With 85 percent of abortions occurring among unwed mothers, it is the fathers who use their Get Out of Jail Free card. In other words, it appears as though men in our society may have sex with as many women as they want. And should a woman get pregnant, the man can just walk away scot-free without any further responsibility. Abortion removes any remaining commitment for the man. He gets to pursue his sexual freedom while the woman contends with the pregnancy and aftereffects of an abortion.
The right to choose an abortion does not free women—it enslaves them.
These incendiary iTunes reviews are a keen reminder that we are called to pray for more than just those women who seek abortions and the life-affirming counselors who will share the truth with them. We must also be in prayer for those who are deceived by the abortion-centric culture—that their eyes will be opened to the plight of the unborn and their hearts softened toward abortion-determined women who feel they have no other option but to end the life of their child.
Hateful comments like those above awaken us out of our insular pro-life milieu and remind us that the battle to restore a culture of life in America is heated and divided, and it can be overcome only through fervent prayer.
Finally, these mistaken reviews serve as an encouragement for us to remain steadfast in our protection of the unborn. We must educate ourselves about life in the womb and learn how to articulate those beliefs in a winsome yet loving manner. Even when we are attacked and berated for our convictions—as in the above reviews—we must stand committed to the truth about life in the womb and the disastrous consequences of abortion.
One of the ways you can take a stand for the unborn is by making a gift to Human Coalition. Through your generous donation, Human Coalition strategically implements innovative lead generation via the Internet, which then connects hurting men and women with life-affirming centers across the country.
Vulnerable men and women won’t hear the truth about abortion from their surrounding culture. Therefore, it is imperative that we reach them before the lying culture does.
Please make your gift to Human Coalition today so we can verifiably save babies in the womb. Together we can change the hearts of abortion-determined men and women and begin restoring a culture of life in America.