Human Coalition works with Focus on the Family to promote live, Abby Johnson webcast

Human Coalition works with Focus on the Family to promote live, Abby Johnson webcast

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher

I’m thrilled to share with you that we are working with Focus on the Family to promote a very unique, live web-cast.  Abby Johnson, former director of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility, will be sharing her story on May 17th at 8PM EST at a Focus site, Unite for Life.

You can sign up for the free webcast here.

The webcast is free and any proceeds raised from the event will support several pro-life pregnancy organizations.

Focus on the Family was kind enough to thank Human Coalition in this video, and it also contains information on the webcast.

I had the opportunity to hear Abby speak in Dallas last year and her story is redemptive and compelling.  As we have shared with you many times, the ultrasound is the most powerful abortion deterrent in existence, and an ultrasound played a key role in Abby’s resignation from her career at Planned Parenthood.

Human Coalition believes the tide is turning in favor of the sanctity of life in America.  Education and information are keys to this culture shift.  If you have friends or family that are pro-abortion or not sure where they stand on life issues, this webcast is a perfect way to share your worldview.

Human Coalition has agreed to support Focus on the Family in this cooperative effort in any way we can.  Here’s how you can help:

  1. Sign up right now for the free webcast at http://uniteforlifewebcast.org/.  Then use the various social media tools on the site to spread the word to your family and friends.
  2. Re-post this link on your Facebook and Twitter account.  Then copy it into an email and send to your life-affirming friends.
  3. Grab the promotional video at http://uniteforlifewebcast.org/ and repost on your Facebook and blog accounts.

Focus on the Family has been a culture-changing force for years, passionately and tangibly working to end abortion in America.  We are honored to work together with them on this effort.  Sign up for the webcast today and show your support for Life!