Planned Parenthood: Rooted In Racism
Rooted in Racism – The Negro Project This blog is part two in an installment of a new series of blogs and videos from “The Complete Guide to Defunding Planned Parenthood.” This resource will equip you with valuable information and inspiration to continue...
Planned Parenthood: Rooted In Racism
Rooted in Racism – The Negro Project This blog is part two in an installment of a new series of blogs and videos from “The Complete Guide to Defunding Planned Parenthood.” This resource will equip you with valuable information and inspiration to continue...

Planned Parenthood: Rooted In Racism
Rooted in Racism – The Negro Project This blog is part two in an installment of a new series of blogs and videos from “The Complete Guide to Defunding Planned Parenthood.” This resource will equip you with valuable information and inspiration to continue...

The Unexpected Blessings of Fatherhood
Growing up, I never really thought about being a dad. I was one of six boys with a Marine father and a tomboy mother. Our life revolved...

It’s Been a Great Year So Far
In the ups and downs of trying to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable in our lifetime, it’s always encouraging to pause and think...

Abortion Isn’t a Political Issue – It’s a Human Rights Holocaust
Openly discussing abortion with your family and peers is daunting, and that’s thanks in large part to the social taboo of broaching...

He Is Risen!
I don’t have a lot of pet peeves, but I’ll confess one of mine to you. I’ve learned over the years that national attention on the effort...

The Senate Is Doing Its Job At Last
When I woke up on November 9, 2016, the day after the national elections, an almost unprecedented sense of hope moved through the pro-life...

We Save Babies AND Restore Families
At Human Coalition, we know that in order to save preborn babies, we must first help rescue the parents from making an abortion decision....

Should We Fund Planned Parenthood?
In the six years since Human Coalition became a fast-growing, full-time organization my responsibilities have changed dramatically. On...

The Human Coalition Wheel
On January 15, Jessica, the boys, and I were sitting in our family room watching a playoff football game, when a tornado hit our house....

New York Times: A Reasonable Response
Lauren Enriquez, Human Coalition’s Public Relations Manager, is a fantastic thinker, writer, and defender of preborn children, their moms,...

Is Pro-Life Anti-Woman?
The false narrative that being pro-woman means you have to support abortion rights, right? Wrong! It seems nearly impossible to turn on...