Pro-Life in a Post-Roe America Point #2
Part 2: Overturning Roe v. Wade Did not End Abortion Roe v. Wade’s repeal this summer was a pivotal turning point in the fight for life. You likely felt the momentum swing to the side of life. And such a shift hasn’t happened in decades. But what you may...
Pro-Life in a Post-Roe America Point #2
Part 2: Overturning Roe v. Wade Did not End Abortion Roe v. Wade’s repeal this summer was a pivotal turning point in the fight for life. You likely felt the momentum swing to the side of life. And such a shift hasn’t happened in decades. But what you may...

Pro-Life in a Post-Roe America Point #2
Part 2: Overturning Roe v. Wade Did not End Abortion Roe v. Wade’s repeal this summer was a pivotal turning point in the fight for life. You likely felt the momentum swing to the side of life. And such a shift hasn’t happened in decades. But what you may...

Remembering Moriah: How a little girl’s life should inspire America
This past Saturday morning I received news that no one wants to hear. Moriah, the 2-year-old granddaughter of a new friend of mine, passed...

Planned Parenthood and Baby Parts: How Did We Get Here?
There is an old business maxim that says, “Every organization embodies the characteristics of its leader.” This is true for any organized...

Human Coalition Is Not Just Helping To Save Lives… We Are Helping To Save Lifetimes
“Welcome to pre-kindergarten.” Kourtnee and thirty-four other children will hear those words for the first time this fall. But these...

Abortion is a difficult sermon topic for pastors…
There have been a lot of stories in the news lately about Planned Parenthood and the selling of fetal body tissue. People are upset that...

Will the Church Rise Up and Usher in Abortion’s Demise?
I was rereading some of my recent articles to you, and it struck me that I always seem to be writing to you from an airplane. Happily,...

Womens Mobile Clinics — Reaching Women in Crisis
Every day in Grapevine, Texas, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the two cities where HC owns and operates a women’s care clinic, more and...

Discrimination: The Most Hated People Group in America (3 of 3)
As I wrote in the previous two installments in this series, an estimated 57 million preborn human beings have been killed in America in...

Why the Planned Parenthood Video Isn’t Shocking
I was sitting on a plane en route to Charlotte, North Carolina, on Tuesday morning, when I heard the news: the nation’s largest abortion...

Discrimination: The Most Hated People Group in America (2 of 3)
As I wrote in the first installment of this series, an estimated 57 million preborn human beings have been killed in America in just the...
Discrimination: The Most Hated People Group in America (1 of 3)
Americans are obsessed with identifying discrimination. Race, gender, disability, age, religion, and any number of other classifications...