Children With Down Syndrome: A Joyful Blessing
October is one of our favorite months of the year here at Human Coalition. It’s not because of the cooler weather and the pumpkin spice lattes (while those are certainly perks!). Rather, it’s because October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. During this month,...
Children With Down Syndrome: A Joyful Blessing
October is one of our favorite months of the year here at Human Coalition. It’s not because of the cooler weather and the pumpkin spice lattes (while those are certainly perks!). Rather, it’s because October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. During this month,...

Children With Down Syndrome: A Joyful Blessing
October is one of our favorite months of the year here at Human Coalition. It’s not because of the cooler weather and the pumpkin spice lattes (while those are certainly perks!). Rather, it’s because October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. During this month,...

Blog Series: Discrimination: The Most Hated People Group in America
I hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July. Jessica, the boys and I celebrated by spending the day with friends, eating an assortment of...
Announcing The Creation Of HC Rescue Partners
You’ve read the stories about babies and their families being rescued from abortion by Human Coalition. You know how we use online and...

Should We End Abortion…Can We End Abortion?
One of our HC team members, Kari, is an excellent researcher. Every morning she pores over numerous news sites, online magazines,...
In Support of the “National Day of Prayer”
Although we are witnessing daily attempts to remove all acknowledgement of God from the public square, throughout history our nation’s...
Do you believe?
I often remind my two sons of a popular phrase: “Your attitude determines your altitude.” Those who value all of human life need to stop...
“Why?” Got Me Thinking
I love books. Though I had to force myself to read when I was younger, I have grown to love a quiet room, a nice chair, and a great book....

Planned Parenthood and Baby Parts: How Did We Get Here? (Part 2)
In the first installment of my two-part blog series, I discussed Margaret Sanger’s radical past, specifically how she embraced eugenics to...

The Case for Life: Degree of Dependency
Abortion supporters often claim that a baby’s inability to survive outside the mother’s womb should automatically justify abortion. The...
Three Little Words Should Propel the Pro-Life Movement…
Every Easter morning, I get up, turn on the stereo system in our family room, insert a particular CD, turn it to a specific track, and...

The Case for Life: Environment
Environment, better understood as the location of the baby, is the E in SLED. When babies are born they move from their mother’s uterus to...