Pro-Life in a Post-Roe America
Part 1: The So-Called "Right" to Abortion is Not Constitutional After five decades of prayer and work, the day you hoped for since 1973 happened this summer: the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade! But make no mistake: the fight for life is not over with...
Pro-Life in a Post-Roe America
Part 1: The So-Called "Right" to Abortion is Not Constitutional After five decades of prayer and work, the day you hoped for since 1973 happened this summer: the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade! But make no mistake: the fight for life is not over with...

Pro-Life in a Post-Roe America
Part 1: The So-Called "Right" to Abortion is Not Constitutional After five decades of prayer and work, the day you hoped for since 1973 happened this summer: the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade! But make no mistake: the fight for life is not over with...
“Ain’t I a Woman?” Sojourner Truth’s Life Repudiates Planned Parenthood’s Agenda
It’s Women’s History Month, yet another opportunity for abortion advocates to promote their cause by hijacking the legacy of God-fearing...

The Case for Life: Level of Development
The L in the SLED acronym stands for level of development. Many abortion advocates dismiss unborn children, particularly during the first...

The Case for Life: Size
The S in the SLED acronym stands for size. All of us began our lives as a tiny fertilized egg, or zygote, invisible to the naked eye. Over...
Abortion Is Not Just an Economic Issue
According to CNBC’s Jake Novak, property taxes, welfare programs, and government regulations have all contributed to today’s parents...

She Was Determined to Have an Abortion. But When She Googled “Abortion,” Everything Changed
When “Charla” searched the Internet for information about a local abortion clinic, Human Coalition’s marketing outreach was there and...

Making the Case for Life
For decades, the argument over abortion has been mired in manipulative rhetoric, political posturing and general confusion. But while the...

“Bella’s Gift” by Rick and Karen Santorum
As a father of children with special needs, I confess that I typically do not read books by parents with similar experiences. Such books...

What you don’t know about the morning after pill will shock you…
We are told by the media and our culture today that abortion is a woman’s issue and men should stay out of the debate. After all, abortion...
Black History Heroes: Frederick Douglass on Life and Liberty
Frederick Douglass, born this month in 1818, escaped slavery to become a leading abolitionist, writer and statesman. A captivating orator,...
Why is there no pro-life alternative to Planned Parenthood?
Planned Parenthood does not represent the entirety of the pro-abortion movement, but it is the face of it. When you include all of its...