This is what moms are feeling…
Have you ever wondered what a mom facing an unexpected pregnancy is thinking or going through when considering an abortion? That’s exactly what you’ll hear below. After recently being evicted, “Bella” learned that she was pregnant with her second child. She made a...
This is what moms are feeling…
Have you ever wondered what a mom facing an unexpected pregnancy is thinking or going through when considering an abortion? That’s exactly what you’ll hear below. After recently being evicted, “Bella” learned that she was pregnant with her second child. She made a...

This is what moms are feeling…
Have you ever wondered what a mom facing an unexpected pregnancy is thinking or going through when considering an abortion? That’s exactly what you’ll hear below. After recently being evicted, “Bella” learned that she was pregnant with her second child. She made a...
Human Coalition Commemorates Sanctity of Human Life Month with Nationwide Events
January always brings with it a slew of activities here at Human Coalition, as we remember the grim anniversary of Roe v. Wade. And this...
HC Leads Key Events at March for Life 2015
Follow-up post -- The State of the Pro-Life Union: Responding to Your Questions As a somewhat introverted person, I’m normally not...
Abortion is not a “Political Issue”: My Reflections on my trip to Washington
I’m about ten thousand feet over Virginia at the moment, watching Washington D.C. disappear in the distance as my plane ascends to make...
Abortion is About Babies
Despite decades of pro-abortion propaganda, a nationwide CNN poll last year revealed that 73 percent of Americans favor at least some...

It’s Sanctity of Human Life Month…So What?
This month, as our nation turns its attention to the grim anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I’d like to address a troubling trend that seems to...
The truth is: the Church can “Deliver Us from Abortion”
For too long, Christian churches have been silent about America’s greatest evil — abortion. While the Church is undoubtedly committed to...
HC to Host Historic Prayer Gathering
On January 21, 2015, Human Coalition along with The Radiance Foundation and Bound for Life will host OneVoiceDC, the first ever...
Jen’s Story of Choosing Life
Did you know that one in four women sitting in the pews of America’s churches has experienced an abortion? These are women like Jennifer...
The Incarnation and the Pro-Life Message
Although most Americans have reduced Christmas to a month-long display of naked materialism, we can still find reminders of its true...
CNBC says we need more babies. I have a solution.
Jake Novak published an article on CNBC.com entitled, “We need more babies! Seriously, this is a problem.” He claims that the declining...