Your Human Connection, Spring 2022
Dear Friend, Here’s the reality we face: Every 30 seconds, another child is killed by abortion. But here’s another reality: Of the moms who come to Human Coalition seeking abortion, 76% say they would prefer to choose life IF their circumstances were different. That’s...
Your Human Connection, Spring 2022
Dear Friend, Here’s the reality we face: Every 30 seconds, another child is killed by abortion. But here’s another reality: Of the moms who come to Human Coalition seeking abortion, 76% say they would prefer to choose life IF their circumstances were different. That’s...

Your Human Connection, Spring 2022
Dear Friend, Here’s the reality we face: Every 30 seconds, another child is killed by abortion. But here’s another reality: Of the moms who come to Human Coalition seeking abortion, 76% say they would prefer to choose life IF their circumstances were different. That’s...
Is It Possible To Be A Christian And Pro-Abortion? (Part 3)
Many in the pro-life community are surprised when they learn that some Christians are pro-abortion (some inexplicitly, others explicitly)....
Answers To Your Questions About The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
We received so many great questions and comments regarding last week’s article about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, so I wanted to post my...
The Truth Behind the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
We received so many great questions and comments regarding this article. I answered many of them in my follow-up article here. If you’ve...
Is It Possible To Be A Christian And Pro-Abortion? (Part 2)
There are numerous mainstream Christian denominations supported by thousands of congregants who identify themselves as Christian and...

Pregnant, jobless and with a 6-month old, they wanted an abortion. Then they learned the truth.
“Cathy” welcomed “Brandy” and her boyfriend “Ryan” into her private office in the life-affirming pregnancy center. Like hundreds of...
FacesofProLife.com is Here!
Many have already gone to FacesofProLife.com and proudly shared their reasons for being pro-life...will you? Pro-life Americans come from...
HC Talks To Reverend Dean Nelson About Abortion In The African-American Church
In honor of National Black History Month, the Reverend Dean Nelson joins me on the Human Coalition Podcast to discuss the crisis of...
Is It Possible To Be A Christian And Pro-Abortion? (Part 1)
Simply Google the phrase “pro-choice Christian” and you will discover that millions of Americans have taken this position. So in the next...
Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Ruling – Human Coalition’s Response
Somewhere behind the media spin, the politicians’ posturing, and abortion supporters’ outrage is the truth about the Hobby Lobby Supreme...
Highlights Of HC’s Outreach So Far In 2014
As we enter the second half of 2014, I invite you to watch this short video message highlighting the amazing work that Human Coalition is...