Hope for a Post Roe v. Wade America
One question I’m often asked is how I feel about the future for preborn life in America. My answer is always the same. I feel hope. Over the past year, state legislatures across the country have passed incredible bills that protect preborn children and their families...
Hope for a Post Roe v. Wade America
One question I’m often asked is how I feel about the future for preborn life in America. My answer is always the same. I feel hope. Over the past year, state legislatures across the country have passed incredible bills that protect preborn children and their families...

Hope for a Post Roe v. Wade America
One question I’m often asked is how I feel about the future for preborn life in America. My answer is always the same. I feel hope. Over the past year, state legislatures across the country have passed incredible bills that protect preborn children and their families...

Don’t miss our top 4 life-save stories so far in 2014…
Their backgrounds varied and their circumstances were unique, but all four of these women had one thing in common... Four years ago on...
To be pro-life is to be patriotic…
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creatorwith certain unalienable...
Are you sharing a positive pro-life message?
Find out how HC brings a new tone and tenor to the term pro-life. Pro-child, pro-choice, anti-abortion, anti-choice, anti-women…in the...

HC Welcomes National Director of Church Outreach
Abortion clinics are closing in record numbers.1 Abortion rates are at their lowest level since 1973, the year the U.S. Supreme Court...

Father’s Day is near…Are you helping to preserve it?
Donuts with dad…Take your child to work day…Throwing baseballs in the backyard. As a father of two young sons, these are just a few...
There’s No Such Thing As A ‘Positive Abortion Story.’
"I'm one lucky girl."..."It will always be a special memory for me."..."I love how positive it is." If you believe these sentiments sound...

Dr. James Dobson Interviews Human Coalition
Dr. Dobson recently interviewed Vice President of Human Coalition, Jeff Bradford, and myself for his Family Talk station regarding the...

Here’s how to stop any pro-choice argument in its tracks
Most Common Arguments (in this order): Rape/Incest My Body/My Choice Life of the Mother Personhood The Unborn Child Is Unfit/Unwanted...
The re-release is here! Have you ordered your copy yet?
“Incredibly encouraging”…“long overdue”…“a must-read”…these are just some of the words used to describe my latest book, Abortion: The...
A special thank-you to mothers everywhere — Happy Mother’s Day!
What does motherhood mean to you? Sacrifice? Unconditional love? Life’s highest calling? At Human Coalition we’re in the business of...