

Your Human Connection, Summer 2023

Dear Friend, Thank you for rescuing "Selinda" and her baby girl before it was too late! When Selinda realized a baby was growing inside her, she could only shudder with fear. When sharing with those closest to her, she found very little support. In fact, the biggest...

Your Human Connection, Summer 2023

Dear Friend, Thank you for rescuing "Selinda" and her baby girl before it was too late! When Selinda realized a baby was growing inside her, she could only shudder with fear. When sharing with those closest to her, she found very little support. In fact, the biggest...

Your Human Connection, Summer 2023

Your Human Connection, Summer 2023

Dear Friend, Thank you for rescuing "Selinda" and her baby girl before it was too late! When Selinda realized a baby was growing inside her, she could only shudder with fear. When sharing with those closest to her, she found very little support. In fact, the biggest...


Let’s Stay In Touch

The Importance of a Father

The Importance of a Father

Our oldest son, Caleb, just graduated from high school. As I’m sure many of you have done when your child achieved this major milestone, I...

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Thank you, Mom!

Thank you, Mom!

I regularly tease my mother about a turning-point conversation she and I had when I was 7 years old. We were wandering around a local...

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