We Can Defund Planned Parenthood. Here’s How.
To defund Planned Parenthood, we must SHOW what it really looks like to really care for children and moms. Then we have to do it. First, here’s what you need to know about Planned Parenthood. Long story short: Planned Parenthood does harm for money. ...
We Can Defund Planned Parenthood. Here’s How.
To defund Planned Parenthood, we must SHOW what it really looks like to really care for children and moms. Then we have to do it. First, here’s what you need to know about Planned Parenthood. Long story short: Planned Parenthood does harm for money. ...

We Can Defund Planned Parenthood. Here’s How.
To defund Planned Parenthood, we must SHOW what it really looks like to really care for children and moms. Then we have to do it. First, here’s what you need to know about Planned Parenthood. Long story short: Planned Parenthood does harm for money. ...

Atlanta Pregnancy Resource Center Becomes a Human Coalition Women’s Care Clinic
Since 2007, Atlanta Pregnancy Resource Center (APRC) has served the Atlanta metropolitan area with compassionate, life-affirming care....

Partnering with Us in Prayer
I read John 17 this morning. This chapter is known as Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer. He prays for Himself, for His disciples, and for those...

Because We Were Rescued
It’s springtime here in Texas. The bluebonnets are coming out, everything is turning green, and the temperature is just perfect. Though...

If Not Us, Then Who?
Tom and Mary Vande Gutche of Raleigh, North Carolina, have always had a heart for preborn children. But when they learned about Human...

Serving Women with Humility and Grace
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our...

Human Coalition Announces New Broadcast: “The Human Element”
Human Coalition is thrilled to announce the launch of the new pro-life broadcast, The Human Element with Brian Fisher. The Human Element...

Abortion: The Most Devastating Genocide in History
2018 is the Year of Justice at Human Coalition, and we’ll spend this year exploring why abortion shouldn’t be framed as some sort of...

Meet Rev. Dean Nelson – Building Bridges with African-American Churches
As a young man attending the University of Virginia, Dean Nelson had given little thought to abortion, until a conversation with a fellow...

Judy Helps Moms Develop into Thriving, Independent Parents
Judy was first introduced to Human Coalition through her son and daughter-in-law, who volunteered at our women’s care clinic’s...

Lauren Enriquez: Leading Her Generation to End Abortion
“Someday, history will look back on the pro-life movement with the same favor that they now regard the civil rights movement.” Since as...