Point #3: The World Has Changed Since 1973
Can you believe it’s been almost 50 years since the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade? As you know, the pro-life movement fought for a major victory with Roe’s recent repeal. But even so, children remain in life-threatening danger in 75% of the United States.
You might find this shocking, but only 13 states are entirely abortion-free right now.
You’re the type of person who cares about the lives of these children. And that’s why you will like the latest series of blogs I wrote for you. In point #1 you heard me describe why the so-called “right” to abortion is not constitutional. And in point #2 you read how the end of Roe didn’t end abortion in America.
Today, you will hear about the third and final point I need you to know about abortion today:
Point #3: The world has changed since 1973.
Imagine the year 1973. Gas was 39 cents a gallon. Apple and Microsoft didn’t exist. And the average annual college tuition was $358.
We’ve come a long way since 1973 — the year Roe made abortion legal across America.
In Roe, the Supreme Court refused to “resolve the difficult question of when life begins,” referring to a child in the womb as “potential life.”
Those of us fighting for life understand that the person in the womb is a distinct human being. We acknowledge the scientific fact that life begins at conception — a fact made more apparent over the years due to the ever-increasing progress in science, medical care, and technology.
One of the most lifesaving advancements since Roe has been the widespread use of the ultrasound. Fifty years ago, Americans could not see their children inside the womb. Today, their moving, growing, and living bodies are easily visible to us through this technology, showing their full humanity.

We now know that human children in the womb at eight-weeks gestation constantly move, even though their moms don’t feel them yet. At nine weeks, they can suck their thumb, open and close their jaw, and stretch. And in 10 weeks, their vital organs are developed and begin to function. And that is only the first trimester!
In 1973, the Court estimated the point of viability to be about 28 weeks’ gestation. By 1992, Casey’s ruling brought the point down to around 23 weeks.
The problems with Roe and Casey only grew more apparent with prenatal and neonatal care advancements, proving the complete arbitrariness of the viability standard. The Court egregiously ignored the child’s full humanity at every stage of pregnancy.
All these amazing developments awakened the consciences of many Americans. They also rescued lives. Countless mothers chose life after seeing their child on a sonogram, and technology influenced the passage of lifesaving legislation.
Last year, during a hearing on the Texas Heartbeat Act, a Human Coalition sonographer presented audio recordings of two heartbeats: one of a six-week-old preborn child and another of a 20-week-old preborn child. She played the recordings for the lawmakers without saying which heartbeat belonged to which child — and no one could distinguish the difference. In that powerful moment, the heartbeats of both children sounded the same and brought the room to tears.

Advancements since 1973 make it increasingly difficult to deny the brutal reality that abortion at any stage of development ends the life of a human — someone deserving life, love, and our steadfast protection.
Did you find this helpful to you? If so, please enjoy a FREE copy of my new e-book Pro-Life in a Post-Roe America. You can request your copy by clicking the button below and filling out the form. If you do, you’ll get your digital copy sent to your email address instantly!
With Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry spreading dangerous misinformation about abortion, I wanted to clarify some facts for you. I hope this e-book equips you to better understand what is likely to happen with Roe now in the rearview. And I hope it encourages you to be even more involved in this lifesaving work too. God bless you!