And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. – 1 Peter 5:10
Human Coalition started developing annual themes back in 2017. We wanted to meditate on and ponder for a full year one aspect of the work God has given us. We also wanted to invite you, our family of supporters, to contemplate the theme along with us, allowing God’s Word and Spirit to minister to you as well.
Hope that abortion will become unthinkable and unavailable
Our theme in 2017 was Hope, based on Hebrews 10:23-25. Hope is one of our core values at Human Coalition. We have hope that abortion will become unthinkable and unavailable in our lifetime. Our hope is not built on vanity or empty promises – it is based on the fact that ending abortion is consistent with God’s purpose for humanity, and God always accomplishes His purpose.
Justice demands rescue
That led us to study Justice as our theme during 2018, inspired from Amos 5:24. Justice embodies two elements: disciplining the oppressor and rescuing the oppressed. Human Coalition’s daily effort to rescue children and families from abortion is an act of justice. Every day we work to rescue from death the most victimized population in American history. And we also work to help women and families move from a state of dependence to independence, so the entire family thrives. We want every child and family to experience the restoration that only God can provide.
These topics of Hope and Justice naturally led us to a new, although very integrated, theme for 2019.
Throughout biblical history, the work of restoration frequently follows justice. First Peter 5:10 and the book of Nehemiah bear this out.
The term restoration is fascinating to me. We restore old cars and old homes. We fix them up, paint them, and perhaps make them better than their original condition. We restore hardwood floors to their original beauty. Marriages are restored when husbands and wives repent and come back together in unity. Relationships with friends and relatives are restored when we intentionally work to resolve our differences and come back into right relationship.
This work of restoration is initiated by the Creator, but often it involves a partnership with people.
What is restoration?
Restoration means “to return to the original intended state,” or “to return what has been lost or unjustly stolen.” What a magnificent picture of God’s salvation for each of us!
When we think about the sacredness of human life, and the death and destruction caused by abortion, we also think of restoration. What was our original intended state? We are Imago Dei – made in the image of God Himself. Our intended state is to LIVE because we possess divine value. John 10:10 says Christ came so that we may have life and have it abundantly.
Restoration is intimately connected with LIFE. It is God’s intended purpose that preborn children experience the blessing and beauty of life. A pregnancy has an intended purpose: birth. But the work of restoration extends beyond the birth of the child. The mother and the father also possess divine value, and they are intended to enjoy an abundant life – a life that comes from God Himself.
We must work in step with the Creator to restore this God-ordained value.
How we restore
Every time we work together to reach and extend compassion and grace to a woman who believes abortion is her ONLY option, we restore in His name. When we rescue a child from death in the womb, we restore in His name. Every time we help a young mom stabilize her financial and social situations, we restore in His name. Every time we teach a young dad how to be a father, we restore in His name. Every time we assist a church to become engaged in the effort to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable, we restore in His name.
Restoration is a significant part of God’s plan for His Church and His creation. And so, I invite you to join us as we explore restoration in 2019, while we continue working to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable!