When I woke up on November 9, 2016, the day after the national elections, an almost unprecedented sense of hope moved through the pro-life movement. We knew that efforts to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable in our nation would still be difficult, but we were reinvigorated by the knowledge that our new government leaders had at least pledged to stand with us.

Fast-forward five months and our leaders are now preparing to confirm President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, amidst vitriolic opposition from abortion proponents. Gorsuch faced intense scrutiny and backlash from pro-abortion senators, and his nomination even necessitated rare procedural actions. But Americans continue to make their voices heard in favor of Gorsuch.
Over the last few weeks, tens of thousands of Human Coalition supporters urged the Senate to do its job and confirm Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. They signed petitions and urged their friends to get involved. Yesterday, Human Coalition’s Rev. Dean Nelson hand-delivered these petitions to key officials in the U.S. Senate.

Rev. Nelson, Human Coalition’s National Outreach Director, works tirelessly on Capitol Hill representing the voices of America’s pro-life majority. He has spent countless hours meeting with officials in Washington, D.C., to ensure that our leaders prioritize policies to rescue the preborn and their mothers from abortion. Rev. Nelson is also the architect of Human Coalition’s
three-year partnership with the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), one of the largest African-American Christian denominations in the country.

Rev. Nelson delivered petitions containing almost
80,000 pro-Gorsuch signatures to the offices of senators who were still undecided on the Gorsuch vote, including Senators King (I-ME), Cardin (D-MD), and Bennet (D-CO). The office of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is spearheading filibuster efforts against Gorsuch’s confirmation vote, also received a visit and petition delivery from Rev. Nelson. In short, Rev. Nelson made it clear that opposition to Gorsuch is opposition to the pro-life majority.
Committed pro-life champion Senator James Lankford (R-OK) also met with Rev. Nelson to assure him of Senator Lankford’s commitment to upholding pro-life values. We are grateful for his unflinching dedication to the preborn and their mothers.
Together, we will consign abortion to the ash heap of history, and restore a culture of LIFE in America.
Friday, April 7:
Earlier today, the U.S. Senate confirmed Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United States by a vote of 54-45. The voice of America’s pro-life majority was heard! Justice Gorsuch is extremely well-qualified to fulfill his role on the Supreme Court. We look to our newest Justice with confidence that he will uphold the Right to Life of the most vulnerable Americans: preborn children and their mothers. And we thank the Senators who remained steadfast in the face of extreme partisan opposition to Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation.