
All of My Struggles Will Have Been Worth It

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher

Many of the women who work at Human Coalition have experienced an unexpected pregnancy. At one point in their life, they rode the emotional roller coaster of choosing between life and death. They understand what it’s like to sift through copious advice from well-meaning family and friends. And in most cases, they look back on that scary season wishing they’d had a compassionate and trained caregiver to walk with them throughout their decision-making. Most women wish they’d had a compassionate and trained caregiver to walk with them. Share on X Melisa works at Human Coalition as a Contact Center agent. A single mom of three children, she knows what it’s like to discover you are pregnant just as your life is unfolding. “I was in high school, working part-time at a grocery store, running track, having fun. But then I found out I was pregnant.” Like so many women we serve, Melisa felt a myriad of emotions from fear to excitement to anxiety. “I remember thinking just how mad my dad was going to be. I remember thinking of my baby; there was no other thought in my mind.” Thanks to her supportive family, Melisa chose life for her baby. “I enjoyed being a mom, and my son was a great little boy,” Melisa recalls. However, that joy did not prepare her for what happened next. “Several years later, while dating the man who would one day become my husband, I was pregnant again.” Unlike her first unexpected pregnancy, this one was not welcomed or supported. “I kept thinking this couldn’t be happening again.” As a single mom struggling to make ends meet, Melisa remembers thinking, abortion seems like the only option for me. So she immediately scheduled a procedure for the following day. That’s when the baby’s father stepped up in a big way. Share on X That’s when the baby’s father stepped up in a big way. He met Melisa for lunch and pleaded with her not to abort their baby. He promised to take care of her and their children. “Once he reaffirmed his dedication to our family and to me, I was talked off that ledge.” A few months later, they welcomed their baby girl, Abby, into the world. I cannot imagine my life without my three kids and all the joy, laughter, love, and heartache. Share on X Unfortunately, within five years their marriage did not survive, and Melisa found herself a single mom again – this time with three children. “That was a very lonely and hard time for me. But I cannot imagine my life without my three kids and all the joy, laughter, love, and heartache we have endured together.” Today, Melisa channels the wisdom and joy she’s gained from her journey into helping other women who face similar circumstances. “I love this calling that has been placed on my life. Little did I know how my unexpected pregnancy back in May of 1999 would prepare me for helping other pregnant women. “If I can help protect only one woman and her family from the despair, grief, and guilt that follow an abortion, then all of my struggles will have been worth it.” When asked what she would say to single moms who don’t believe they have the strength to parent a child, Melisa responds, “Yes, life as a single mom has been so hard. But my goodness, the joy and love far outweigh those hard times.” “Yes, life as a single mom has been so hard. But the joy and love far outweigh those hard times.” Share on X Like so many women who say no to abortion, Melisa is now one of the boldest advocates for LIFE, as demonstrated by her commitment to Human Coalition. “I am so grateful for Human Coalition – what we stand for and for how hard all of us fight for these women, their babies, and their families. I often think how different things would have been for me, and countless other women facing a similar situation, if only Human Coalition and their life-affirming resources and clinics had been around back then. Maybe… just maybe… abortion would never have been an option.” Please keep Melisa in your prayers as she ministers to the hurting women and men who contact Human Coalition in search of hope.