Three Little Words Should Propel the Pro-Life Movement…

Three Little Words Should Propel the Pro-Life Movement…

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher

Three words that propel the pro-life movement...

Every Easter morning, I get up, turn on the stereo system in our family room, insert a particular CD, turn it to a specific track, and turn it up as loud as I can take it. This tradition, now repeated for 20 years, is well known to my family, who awake to Glad’s fantastic acappella version of “The Easter Song.” Then I insert another Glad CD and play Christ the Lord is Risen Today just as loud.

On Easter morning this year, these familiar hymn lyrics will ring out in churches across America, proclaiming God’s ultimate triumph over the grave through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God’s sacrificial Lamb.

But did you ever consider how the doctrinal truths expressed in this classic hymn are the inherent inspiration and impetus of the lifesaving work of the pro-life movement?

The celebration of Easter is the recognition that Christ has overcome death. It’s fear is removed, it’s sting destroyed.

In fact, more than any other event in the history of the world, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ reveal the heart of God: a holy and just Creator who, being so merciful to His Creation, chose to die in order to redeem it. Amazing love how can it be!

From the time God spoke the universe into existence and with each subsequent phase of creation—from the creatures of the sea to the birds of the air—God revealed Himself as a lover of life. This fervor was demonstrated again when God breathed life into Adam, making man in His image and proclaiming him “very good” (Genesis 1:27-31). It reached pinnacle heights when God redeems all of creation (Colossians 1:19-20) through the atoning sacrifice and resurrection of His Son, revealing God’s deep passion and zeal for life.

So when a man or woman chooses to interrupt God’s creation through the violent act of abortion, it is a grievous affront to His character. When we participate in abortion, either directly or indirectly, we attempt to usurp God’s role as preeminent life-giver, allowing our present fear and uncertainty to determine who lives and who dies.

Given that an estimated 3,500 unborn babies are aborted every day in America, we must ask:

What is the Christian response to a culture that places negative value on God’s priceless creation?

One of the primary reasons that the pro-life movement exists is to promote and defend the sacredness of human life because Life itself is created in the image of God. And no other historical event more profoundly points to that fact than Christ’s resurrection.

Frank Pavone of Priests for Life echoes this truth:

This is why we are pro-life, and the victory of [Easter Sunday] is the starting point and foundation of the pro-life movement. The gift of life, placed in our hands today, is what we proclaim, celebrate, and serve. We announce and apply this victory to every segment of our society. We say to our culture, in effect, “Hurry up! God has accomplished His work, and we must run to share in its fruit! God’s design for life is unfolding in a definitive way, and this is our chance to catch hold of it and participate in it!”

At Human Coalition, we recognize that in many situations, choosing life for an unborn child is extremely difficult.

Every day we hear from women and families facing unplanned pregnancies while in the midst of painful life circumstances. We fully realize the hardship of bringing a child into these difficult situations. But as Christians, viewing the world through the lens of Christ’s death and resurrection, we also acknowledge that every act of love requires sacrifice. And just as Christ’s sacrifice brought us triumph over death, so too does the sacrifice of childbirth bring victory over potential death by abortion.

Every time life wins, the gospel of Jesus is reaffirmed and God is glorified.

The totality of Scripture is the story of God giving life—both physical and spiritual—to man. From the creation of Adam to the conception of Obed (Ruth 4:13-17) to bringing life to dry bones (Ezekiel 37) to the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, God reveals Himself to be the Author of life. And like any author, He directs the paths of His characters from conception to natural death.

Incredibly, through his loving-kindness, God has invited you and me to be his hands and feet by acting as defenders and protectors of His creation. This is the very reason that Human Coalition exists. Every time we help rescue a child from abortion, we are partnering with God to champion His character and redeem His creation.

That is why we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, “the author and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:2, NASB). He walked that messy road before us, showing love and compassion to hurting individuals. And ultimately, He sacrificed Himself as payment for our transgressions so we might have eternal life.

We believe abortion can, should, and will be ended in America in our lifetimes. We believe that for many reasons, but the foundation of our belief is the fact that Christ conquered death. And we, as His church, will conquer the unjust killing of His priceless human creations for our good and His glory.

I invite you to join us in this life-saving work. Human Coalition has cooperatively rescued more than babies from death in the womb. Every time a child is rescued from abortion, it is a reminder of the death-conquering power of the cross. And we can’t do our work without you.

This Easter, as we reflect on the death and resurrection of Christ, we invite you to prayerfully and financially support Human Coalition and our mission to “deliver those who are being taken away to death.” (Proverbs 24:11 NASB).

Let’s honor this season of rebirth by affirming God’s love for his creation and protecting the intrinsic value of life.