When Laura searched the Internet to find an abortion clinic, her life was in crisis. She was suffering from anxiety issues, and her marriage was crumbling because of it. Without telling her husband, she’d already decided to deal with her unplanned pregnancy by having an abortion.
But because Human Coalition was the first result to pop up on her computer screen, Laura contacted one of our life-affirming pregnancy centers first. While speaking on the phone with a counselor, who advised Laura to seek medical attention for her pregnancy, Laura agreed to go to the center for a free ultrasound.
After Laura arrived for her ultrasound appointment, she spent a long time with a trained counselor discussing her fears, concerns, and God’s will for her life. The counselor listened without judgment but also encouraged Laura to consider other options for her unborn child. Though Laura demonstrated great eagerness to trust in God’s will, she was still consumed with fear about having a baby and how it would impact her already fragile emotional state. But then the counselor performed the ultrasound, and that’s when everything changed.

Laura’s eyes grew wide when two small heartbeats appeared on the monitor. For several minutes, Laura sat in stunned silence until the counselor finally asked Laura what she was thinking.
“My husband always wanted twins,” Laura said in disbelief. “He would be thrilled to know that he’s having twins.”
As tears streamed down Laura’s face, the counselor talked for several more minutes about the ultrasound image, pointing out the perfectly formed body parts of Laura’s twin babies. Finally, Laura said, “
I guess God knows what He’s doing.”
Laura left the life-affirming center that day with ultrasound pictures of her twins in hand, excited to share the incredible news with her husband. She also left knowing that she now had a circle of supportive counselors and center staff members who were willing to stand by her throughout her pregnancy and beyond.
In the United States alone, more than 1.2 million Google searches are conducted for “abortion” or other abortion-related terms each month. Laura’s search was just one of those millions. But because Human Coalition popped up first on the Internet, Laura was able to connect with a life-affirming center. And as a result of her ultrasound appointment, two babies were rescued from abortion. Laura’s gratitude was evident when she told the center’s staff, “
Thank you all. I’m so glad your number was the first to show up when I Googled ‘abortions.’”
Human Coalition is striving to be that first number that shows up on the computer screen every time a person searches the Internet for “abortion” or other abortion-related terms. Through our first-in-class innovative technology, we are achieving great results, and more people are being connected to their local life-affirming centers.
However, more work still needs to be done, and more abortion-determined women and men still need to be reached.
Your donation provides Human Coalition with the necessary resources to be the first to show up when a man or woman Googles “abortion.” This is a costly endeavor, but we believe it’s an essential key to reaching abortion-determined individuals in their greatest time of need.
Human Coalition was there when Laura needed us most. Will you help us be there for the millions of other women and men who will search online for an abortion clinic this month?
Please make your gift to Human Coalition today so we can reach abortion-determined individuals with the truth about life, and so more babies—like Laura’s twins—can be rescued from death.
Human Coalition unapologetically stands for life—all lives—and we invite you to stand with us.