
We Do Whatever It Takes to Help Her

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher

When “Francine” first visited our women’s care clinic in Grapevine, she was full of fear and dread. Separated from her husband and with no immediate family living nearby, Francine lamented her unexpected pregnancy. “How did I get myself into this situation?” she sobbed. “And what am I going to do now?”

If Francine had listened to the voices of a few of her friends and neighbors, she would have chosen the immediate and cheapest solution: abortion. Thankfully, she met Rachel, our Care Coordinator. With a servant’s heart full of compassion for those in crisis, Rachel helps women like Francine remove the barriers that would prevent them from choosing life.

“I was 15 when I became pregnant,” Rachel recalls, “and ever since then God has stirred in my heart a desire to help teen moms.” Having served as an administrative assistant at the Grapevine Women’s Care Clinic for several years, Rachel seamlessly slid into the role of Care Coordinator. “As soon as I started, God opened my heart and mind to want to help all women in crisis, not just teens.” She soon realized through her daily interactions with hurting women that “regardless of age, position, ethnicity, or financial situation, every client has a similar response to their crisis. They are confused, desperate, and filled with shame. My job is to help them see past their temporary situation.”

Uniquely tailored to meet the needs of each woman, the Continuum of Care program has resulted in a 72% increase in life decisions.

“When a woman visits us, one of the first things I ask is, ‘If there were no barriers before you, what would be the desire of your heart?’ Many women tell me they would choose life. And that’s when I get to work.”

Rachel meets one-on-one with each woman and begins the client intake process. “I find out what their immediate needs are, and then we do everything we can to meet them.” Finding solutions to clients’ immediate problems requires creative problem-solving skills, but Rachel has proven she’s more than up to the task.

“If a woman needs a better-paying job, we enhance her résumé and help her start a job search. If she needs affordable healthcare, we work to help her procure Medicaid. If she needs a doctor, we help her find an OB/GYN within her community.”

Apart from a woman choosing life, Rachel says one of the most encouraging aspects of her job is watching the Church step up and rally around hurting women. From furnishing an apartment to hosting a baby shower to even purchasing a vehicle for a working mom, local congregations have become reliable partners of Human Coalition’s women’s care clinics. “Many of the women I see don’t have a support system. It’s been amazing to see churches fill that void,” Rachel says.

When asked to recount her most memorable moment as Care Coordinator, Rachel talks about her experience with Francine. “She was so afraid of the shame she would bring on her family. She kept crying, ‘How am I going to do this?’” Rachel continued to reach out to Francine with messages of encouragement that “always arrived just when Francine was at her lowest.” After realizing Rachel was there for her and wouldn’t leave her side, Francine decided to parent.

Rachel lights up as she talks about the emotional and spiritual transformation that took place inside Francine. “It was amazing to watch her demeanor go from death to life. A church threw her a baby shower. She got health insurance and a doctor. And all those people she thought would leave her didn’t. By the time she gave birth to her baby girl, Francine was excited and filled with joy. It was a complete transformation.”

Perhaps nothing exemplifies the power behind Human Coalition’s Continuum of Care program more than what happened next.

“Just before she gave birth, Francine told me she was naming her baby after me,” Rachel says, her voice quivering a bit. “And then she told me, ‘Rachel means “a beautiful woman inside and out who will help anyone who comes her way.” That’s who you’ve been to me, and that’s who I want my baby to be.’”

When Rachel visited Francine and her baby in the hospital, all the nurses and doctors knew her story. “Francine had told everyone how Human Coalition had journeyed with her throughout her pregnancy.”

Currently, Rachel serves over 30 clients. And as Human Coalition expands our reach and connects with more abortion-determined women, her caseload continues to grow… Rachel wouldn’t have it any other way.

“No one should have to determine [whether their child lives or dies] based on finances or temporary insecurities,” she asserts. “Some days are so difficult. But when women like Francine come my way, I always remember that the hard work is worth it.”

Please keep Rachel and our other Care Coordinators in your prayers, as they minister to women and families in crisis. It’s through your faithful prayers and financial support that they can equip women and empower them to embrace the beauty of LIFE.