Will you join thousands at this year’s National Day of Prayer event?

Will you join thousands at this year’s National Day of Prayer event?

AUTHOR: Brian Fisher

Each year on May 1 — just two days away — the National Day of Prayer, praying citizens across America join together to pray in one voice on behalf of our country and its leaders, as well as for spiritual revival. We invite you and your church to dedicate your efforts on this year’s 2014 National Day of Prayer toward praying specifically to end abortion and restore a culture of LIFE in America.

Human Coalition, along with other pro-life individuals and organizations, such as Jim DeMint, Alveda King, Rev. Dean Nelson, Fr. Frank Pavone, Matt Chandler, Ted Cruz and others, will participate in a focused time of prayer for the sanctity of life, and we want you to join us. During the prayer call at 10 a.m. (CDT) this Thursday, May 1, offering a special time of intercession and supplication, we will seek God’s face and ask His hand of favor to move on those people who:

  • Reach the abortion-determined with the message of hope and LIFE
  • Work to free abortion clinic workers and staff from the chains of the abortion industry
  • March upon our nation’s capitol as well as state capitols, pray outside abortion clinics, and speak up on behalf of the innocent unborn who have no voice
  • Work to change the laws that perpetrate the silent holocaust of abortion
  • Dedicate themselves to full-time ministry in an effort to rescue unborn babies and their families from abortion

Every year, approximately 1.2 million of our fellow citizens are lost to abortion. That’s nearly 56 million lives lost since the 1973 ruling on Roe v. Wade! If we truly desire that God shed His grace on America, we must first confess the grievous sin of abortion that has permeated our culture for far too long.

Won’t you stand with us this Thursday, May 1, as we pray to bring an end to America’s silent holocaust?

Please visit www.weprayforlife.com to register now for the Human Coalition Prayer Call that will take place in two days! You may also download a copy of the Prayer Call agenda to help prepare your heart and mind for this intentional time of prayer.

Let’s commemorate this year’s National Day of Prayer by asking for God’s protection for the weakest and most vulnerable among us. Join Human Coalition and our fellow laborers in the pro-life movement as we come before the throne of grace and pray to end abortion in America.

Click here to register now for Thursday’s incredible Prayer Call.

Thank you for all you do to advance the cause of LIFE.