Dear Friend,
“Kristin” thanks God — and you — for rescuing her baby!
It wasn’t the right time…
Kristin was overwhelmed when she realized a little bundle of life was growing inside her. Suddenly, all her dreams and ambitions for her life crumbled to ashes in her heart.
She was too young — Kristin felt like a small child herself. How could she care for a baby?
Even worse, Kristin’s boyfriend was pressuring her to simply take care of the “problem.”
She feared that if she didn’t have an abortion, she’d be forced out of their small apartment and find herself utterly alone.
“I wanted the baby,” Kristin remembers. “But my life was so unstable.”
As a young 20-something, while planning to attend college, Kristin prepared herself to take the life of her baby by having an abortion…
Kristin came to one of Human Coalition’s pregnancy centers. And there she unexpectedly met a caregiver who had a similar story to her own.
Kristin listened as the nurse talked through the options available to her. She also shared how she was Kristin’s age when she had her first baby. Hope started to rise in Kristin’s heart.
“Can it really be done?” Kristin asked the caregiver.
“You can do anything you put your mind to.” the caregiver responded with love, compassion, and encouragement.
Kristin chose life for her baby
Hearing the caregiver’s story, Kristin found her own strength and resolve.
She realized that she didn’t want an abortion… but wanted to parent her child. She knew that she could figure out the future and wanted her baby to be a part of it too.
Months later, Kristin gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who has been an overflowing joy to her and her family.
Most women who come to us seeking an abortion want to choose life for their babies. In fact, 76% say they would prefer to parent if their circumstances were different.
That’s why your prayers and support are so critical. They’re the keys to helping frightened and uncertain moms to navigate challenging circumstances with a compassionate support tea, who will talk with them, support them, and show them Christ’s love.
Kristin’s incredible story is just one example of the lifesaving and life changing impact your support has on moms facing crisis pregnancies and the baby they’re carrying.
You can show the love and hope of Christ today and empower the next mom like Kristin to choose life for her child. Please don’t forget that your gift today will rescue the next child from abortion. Will you give today, before it’s too late?
Give Monthly…
And receive a FREE gift!

A monthly recurring donation means you can automatically rescue the next child from abortion each month.
To thank you for a monthly commitment of $15 or more, we’d like to send you a set of three Save the Baby Humans stickers! But you need to give and request your stickers by December 31.
Simply complete the monthly giving form on the enclosed reply form to get started. You can also give your first monthly recurring gift online at to request your stickers immediately.
Thank you for being a part of this growing coalition of more than 1,500 Rescue Partners that work together to rescue children from abortion throughout America.
Thank you for making Holiday Connections possible!

Every fall and winter, Human Coalition comes together with local communities, churches, and supporters like you to provide for the tangible needs of families during the holiday season.
This program is called Holiday Connections, and it does exactly what the name implies: connects supporters like you with women and children from Human Coalition’s pregnancy centers to provide them holiday blessings.
And it’s all made possible by your generous support and volunteered time. So, as you prepare now for the upcoming season, please know that your impact is doing more than rescuing lives… it’s enabling entire families to overcome adversity and be restored to stability.
Please join us in prayer!

Here are some specific prayer points for the weeks and months ahead as we approach the holiday season:
⦁ Pray for the moms who are seeking an abortion and are overwhelmed
by the additional stresses of the coming holiday season. Pray that
they would choose life for their child. (1 Timothy 2:1)
⦁ As we head into the Advent season, pray that more moms and families are open to receiving the truth of the Gospel. (1 Timothy 2:3–6)
⦁ Pray that as many families as possible can participate in Holiday Connections and that generous donors will lovingly meet the needs of these families during the next few months. (Matthew 25:40)
We want to hear from you!

Do you have a question that you’ve always wanted to ask, but never have before?
Over the next year, we’re revamping several parts of our website to better answer your questions about the pro-life movement.
Because you’re one of our most faithful partners, we’d like to hear about the questions you have, why you support Human Coalition, and your thoughts on the pro-life movement. If you have a question about the pro-life movement, no matte how tough, this is your chance to get it answered!
Submit your questions at: today. We’ll be answering your questions in the days and weeks ahead. Thank you in advance for sharing them with us!
My experience with abortion
You and I know that life is precious. I believe we are both compelled by God’s word and His design for life to make abortion unthinkable and unnecessary.
For me though, it goes deeper… it’s also personal.
You see, just before my wife and I got married, we found out we were pregnant. Life so many couples who face this situation, we had no idea what to do. As we were searching for answers, we ended up taking some bad advice and found ourselves at a Planned Parenthood clinic. And a week later, we went through with an abortion and took the life of our daughter.
For 17 years after that day, we didn’t talk about it with our friends, our family, or even each other. We buried it away. Until one day in a counseling session, we realized the damage that abortion decision had caused — and was still causing — in our marriage.
In the weeks and months following that momentous counseling appointment, my wife and I worked through the decision we made, and asked the Lord for forgiveness and started the process of healing.
After about 13 years of healing, my wife and I are still married. We have four wonderful kids. We are actively involved in our church and community. We know that we have been forgiven. Yet the pain never goes away. To this day, we still think about our fifth child who should be with us today.
I share this with you because this is what’s at stake in our work of rescuing children in the womb. Yes, it’s about saving the lives of innocent babies… but it’s also about saving moms and dads from the devastation of abortion.
That’s why it’s critical that we continue to act in faith and in generosity to be there for each mom seeking and abortion right now. You can provide the resources and support she needs to choose life today.
Will you give a generous gift today so the next mom seeking an abortion right now will choose life for her child? Will you give to rescue the next child from abortion — before it’s too late?
Thank you for being a part of this growing coalition rescuing children from abortion at this important time.
God bless,
Jeff Bradford
Thank you for reading the Fall 2023 edition of Your Human Connection. As you can see, you are truly making a lifesaving difference to rescue children and families from abortion! As you can see, you are truly making a lifesaving difference to rescue children and moms from abortion! Thank you for saving them and writing the next chapter for their families. You’re such a blessing!