Dear Friend,
Here’s the reality we face: Every 30 seconds, another child is killed by abortion.
But here’s another reality: Of the moms who come to Human Coalition seeking abortion, 76% say they would prefer to choose life IF their circumstances were different.
That’s why the work you do, through Human Coalition, is so critical. Together, we’re reaching moms with life-transforming care that changes their circumstances and shows
them they have options other than abortion. And this empowerment leads to children’s lives being rescued.
This isn’t about one solitary decision. It’s about empowering moms and families to truly experience their God-given potential for their lives.
And with your continued support, you will continue rescuing as many children and families as quickly as the Lord will allow.
Right now, we’re working to expand the National Rescue System to compete with the abortion industry in even more states. Together, we’ve already seen so much growth over the past year, but many more families are still needing the help and hope you can provide. Expanding the National Rescue System to every city and state as fast as the Lord will allow is the only way to reach as many moms with the support they need.
“Nicole” is the perfect example.
When Nicole first contacted Human Coalition, hope seemed so far away. Her family lived across the country. And the father of the baby was very unsure if he wanted to raise a child.
Nicole went online seeking an appointment for an abortion. But she came across the number for Human Coalition and reached out. After speaking with a call agent, Nicole scheduled an appointment at one of Human Coalition’s life-affirming Women’s Care Clinics.
When Nicole arrived at the women’s clinic, she didn’t believe anyone could truly help her overcome her challenges. But over the course of the appointment, the nurse told her about the Continuum of Care program — that she could receive help in finding employment, meeting material needs, and anything else she needed to build a stable life.
Nicole left the women’s clinic that day feeling more confident in her ability to overcome the challenges in her life. She realized she wasn’t alone.
And several weeks later, Nicole chose LIFE for her baby boy.
This is a testament of the power, compassion, and hope your prayers and generosity make possible. Thank you for joining us in this incredible work of rescuing and transforming lives. It’s an honor to work alongside you to make abortion unthinkable and unnecessary.
For children and families,
Jeff Bradford
“I thought abortion was my only option” — “Zoe’s” Story of Choosing Life

Zoe felt the pieces of her life falling apart all around her.
Her marriage vows sounded little more than silent whispers from the past that seemed a distant memory, and the love between her and her husband had grown cold and brittle. Zoe felt the overwhelming weight of confusion and fear.
Then Zoe was utterly blindsided . . . she was pregnant.
Suddenly the confusion and fear Zoe had felt turned into a full-blown crisis. As she began searching online for abortion information, Zoe remembers, “I thought abortion was my only option.”
You provided a voice of compassion
Zoe’s online searching led her to Human Coalition, and she called the Telecare Women’s Clinic.
After explaining her situation to a nurse, Zoe broke down . . . she was so scared and concerned. Zoe feared she’d make the worst decision of her life. But she was also relieved that someone was listening to her and understanding her feelings.
The nurse encouraged Zoe to think beyond this moment of crisis and to look to the future. As a result, Zoe realized that she was allowing her anxiety about the present to drive all her decisions.
And the truth was, Zoe loved the idea of being a mom…
You provided compassionate care
As the conversation continued, the nurse scheduled Zoe for a free ultrasound at a Human Coalition Brick-and-Mortar Women’s Clinic in her area.
And after seeing her little boy, “Eli,” on the ultrasound monitor, Zoe knew she couldn’t abort. In that moment, she made the decision for life.
Through the Continuum of Care program, Zoe received the additional help and support she needed. As the clinic staff followed up with her, Zoe gained more confidence in herself and her ability to parent. Today, she and Eli are doing well.
It’s because of your generosity
Zoe’s story is just one example of the many lives and families rescued because of your support. Thank you for your generosity!
If you feel led to give again, please use the enclosed reply form and the return envelope provided. Your gift will rescue more children from abortion and serve more families in need of hope.
Pray with us in 2022!

In recent months, the Supreme Court considered a case that directly challenges Roe v. Wade — the first of its kind in three decades. Already, the abortion industry and their allies are pushing their messaging through the media. This only reinforces the need for the pro-life movement to build on the momentum of last year and to continue standing strong to protect children from abortion.
Here are some specific ways you can pray for Human Coalition and the pro-life movement in 2022:
- Pray for the Supreme Court justices, as they consider overturning the deadly precedent set in Roe v. Wade for good.
- Pray for every court case that involves abortion, as well as each of the lawyers and judges involved.
- Pray for Human Coalition as together through your support, we work to expand the National Rescue System in the new year.
- Pray that more moms are reached, more children are rescued, and more families are restored to stability in 2022.
This is the help and hope your support provides to moms and families!

“I appreciate every little thing you have done for me and the boys. . . . I’m just speechless and grateful.” —“Jackie”
“From the moment I chose my baby, the blessings just started coming. . . . I got a job, a place to stay, and I am better off than I was before.” —“Tiana”
Thank you for choosing compassion… and LIFE!

Your response — and the response of thousands of other friends and supporters of Human Coalition — was nothing less than miraculous at the end of last year.
As I write this to you today, our reports indicate that you helped us raise more than $76,138 on Giving Tuesday and $1,218,735 through the December year-end campaign.
When combined, that’s a total of $1,294,873 of care, compassion, and lifesaving support.
Thank you for being a part of this incredible work of justice and protecting innocent life through your prayers and financial support.
Thank you for reading the Spring 2022 edition of the Human Connection!