On Sunday night May 1st, a woman near Pittsburgh, PA went online and searched Google for an abortion facility. She is 8 weeks pregnant and has already had one abortion as well as a miscarriage. She was single and looking for a quick solution to her problem.
Around 5 PM on Sunday, she left a voicemail at our partner pregnancy center in Pittsburgh. The next morning one of the counselors called her back and asked her to come in to confirm the pregnancy and talk about her options.
She came in last night, had a sonogram, and spoke with the trained counselor at our partner center. After seeing her baby on the sonogram and speaking with the compassionate woman who helped her, she changed her mind and chose life.
The baby was scheduled to be aborted today.
The pre-born child was literally rescued from death less than 24 hours before the abortion. Why? Because Human Coalition intercepted her before the abortion, and because our partner center skillfully and lovingly guided the mother to a life decision.
Why is Human Coalition so effective?
Because we use the Internet to connect with women and men who have already made up their minds to abort their child. And then we connect them to their local pregnancy center where they receive a free sonogram and wise counsel.
Some people scoff or laugh when I tell them that Human Coalition can help save hundreds of thousands of babies from abortion and end this holocaust in America.
It isn’t a fantasy, though. Where are abortion-determined people going to find an abortion facility? Online of course. There are over 6 million Internet searches for abortion-related terms in the U.S. every month.
And there are over 2,500 pregnancy centers ready to help the 1.3 million women who abort their children each and every year.
All we have to do is connect the dots. It’s that simple.
We can’t do it without you. We rejoice that this one child was rescued from death last night.
But there are over 3,500 children murdered in America EVERY DAY. We have a lot of work to do.
Join us today by giving a one-time gift or becoming a monthly donor. Our secure, fast online giving form makes it easy.
For Life!