“Aislynn’s” Story

AislynnMain LD

“Aislynn” came to the Raleigh Women’s Care Clinic after a doctor confirmed she was pregnant. With five children at home already, she couldn’t imagine caring for another child. And having recently escaped an abusive relationship, Aislynn was really hoping to rebuild her life.

Aislynn still suffers from the emotional and physical scars of an abortion, so she didn’t want to go through that trauma again. However, she couldn’t envision another way out of her unexpected pregnancy.

When meeting with our Care Coordinator, Aislynn admitted that if she had the financial resources to do so, she would keep her baby. So our team got to work helping Aislynn remove the obstacles that were standing in her way, while encouraging her to take all the time she needed to make her decision.

When Aislynn returned to the clinic for a free ultrasound, she saw her baby and heard the heartbeat for the first time. She soon made the decision for life.

We connected Aislynn with a local faith family who encouraged her throughout the pregnancy, providing essential baby items and the emotional support she needed to parent. At Christmastime, a local church provided special holiday meals and presents for Aislynn and all of her children.

By the time “Baby Emmeline” was born, Aislynn had bonded with our clinic’s volunteers and staff. And for weeks after the baby came home from the hospital, they brought meals for her family.

Aislynn’s story is a beautiful picture of how Human Coalition, with the support of the local church, can surround a hurting woman and give her the emotional, physical, and spiritual support she needs to choose life.

It’s because of the faithful support of our volunteers and donors that Aislynn and Emmeline are thriving today!