Another College Student Chooses Life!

life decision purple

In January, Terry (not her real name) went online to find a nearby abortion center.  She is a sophomore in college and studying criminal justice.  Although she and her boyfriend have been together for three years, a baby was not in their plans.  Their relationship is volatile, he is abusive, and Terry is not sure if the relationship will even last.

There was just no way she could have a baby.  Not only would a baby ruin her dreams of getting a college degree and securing a career, Terry’s mom raised her as a single parent and she saw how hard that was.  Her mom was still working several jobs to help put Terry through college.  How could she now tell her mom that all that time, energy, and effort was about to go to waste?

Human Coalition is working in her city, though, and Terry saw our online links to a caring, compassionate pro-life pregnancy center.  Our messaging persuaded her to call our partner center.

She was tentative about going in and cancelled two appointments before finally gathering the courage to come in a third time.  Her boyfriend came as well.

He met with one of the center’s male counselors and Terry sat down to tell her story to a female counselor.  She was then given an ultrasound to check on the status of her pregnancy.

Upon seeing her baby in the womb, Terry broke down and began crying. She was 10 weeks pregnant and, as she saw a heartbeat, ten fingers, ten toes, and the movement of her child, the weight of the decision before her was almost too powerful to bear.

The counselors prayed with Terry and her boyfriend and, as is sometimes the case, the couple left without knowing what to do.  And so the staff at the pro-life center committed the couple to prayer and hoped for good news.

That good news came a few weeks later when Terry contacted the center again and told them that she had chosen to carry the child to term. The power of the Internet, the effective counsel of trained professionals, and the reality of an ultrasound compelled Terry to choose life.

I invite you to keep Terry in your prayers.  Although she has made the right decision for Life, that decision will bring some struggle, pain, and difficulty.


Each and every month there are over 6 million Internet searches in the U.S. for phrases such as “abortion,” “abortion clinic,”, and “morning after pill.”  The Internet has become the primary place people go to get abortion information.  Human Coalition intercepts abortion-minded people as they look for an abortion provider and connects them with pro-life pregnancy centers. These centers all have the most effective abortion deterrent ever invented – the ultrasound machine.  When a mother-to-be sees her child in the womb, the chances of her choosing life are excellent.

Human Coalition has launched a campaign to grow aggressively and effectively over the next three years.  This effort will require substantial funding and assistance.  If you are interesting in learning more about our plans to save tens of thousands of unborn children by finding abortion-minded people online and connecting them to pro-life pregnancy centers, contact me at bfisher_onlineforlife_org.  I’d love to share our vision with you.

One long-time worker in the pro-life movement recently exclaimed, Human Coalition is the most revolutionary thing to happen to the pro-life effort – ever.”

She is right.  And you can help us grow the revolution to stop abortion.