
Baby #7 Saved Through Human Coalition

life decision purple

On July 29th, a woman connected with her local pro-life pregnancy center through the Human Coalition outreach in Texas.

She already has a one-year old child, has struggled with drug abuse, but is also active in her church. Unsure about her future and her ability to provide for the child, she had several long conversations with the counselor at our partner center.

After coming in to speak to the counselor, this woman decided not to abort her baby and instead chose to carry the child to term!

Since May 21st, the Human Coalition project has seen:

-Our life-saving message appear 33,607 times
-861 people visit out Outreach Site
-123 calls made to local, pro-life centers
-9 emails sent to local, pro-life centers
-7 abortion-minded or uncertain women chose LIFE

We are preparing to launch our 4th outreach in Memphis, TN.