
Baby Saved from Abortion Two Days Before Appointment

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We have had two more unborn babies saved from abortion this week as a result of Human Coalition and the diligent work of our partner pregnancy resource centers.

I received a call from one of our partner center directors today that I just had to share with you.

Yesterday, this center director got a call from a young man who inquired about the cost of an abortion. Human Coalition specifically targets abortion-minded women and men, so the first question often asked of the pregnancy center is about the price of an abortion.

The center director engaged the young man in conversation and found out that his girlfriend was, at that very moment, sitting in an abortion clinic attempting to set an appointment to abort the baby this Saturday.

During the course of the conversation, she discovered that this couple actually lives several hours away from her pregnancy clinic. Although he got connected to our partner center through Human Coalition, we actually don’t work anywhere near where this young man lives. How he found Human Coalition remains a mystery.

The center director carefully shared the truth with this young man – that he and his girlfriend were about to kill their child. She continued to counsel him for several minutes, sharing compassionate and loving information about pregnancy, birth, and the horrible impact of abortion.

She then referred the young man and his girlfriend to a pregnancy center in his area.

Then today, the director called this young man back. He answered the phone, and she asked if he remembered their conversation from yesterday. He replied that he did.

“So how are you doing?” the center director asked.

There was a pause.

“I’m going to be a dad,” he replied.

The child was just two days away from being aborted, but was connected to Human Coalition and expert counsel in a way I can’t even explain to you. By divine appointment.