“Christina’s” Story


Christina’s life finally seemed to be taking a turn for the better. As a single mom of five small children, security and peace always seemed to elude her. But she’d recently secured a new, better-paying job, and the future looked bright. At last, she could get back on sure financial footing, and maybe even open that online shop she’d been dreaming about.

Unfortunately, an unexpected pregnancy brought her dreams to a halt. How could she pursue her career while caring for a newborn? She was barely able to make ends meet caring for the five children she already had. It seemed to Christina that abortion was the best option for both her and her family.

When she visited our clinic, Christina told us she wanted an abortion. However, her heart seemed to soften when she met her preborn baby for the first time via an ultrasound. His 15-week-old body wiggled and squirmed, demonstrating to everyone in the room that he was more than just a blob of tissue… he was a person. He was Christina’s child.

Our Care Coordinators continued talking over options with Christina. But when she watched the abortion procedure video, she knew she couldn’t go through with it. From there, we developed a personalized plan for Christina, which included résumé enhancement and job coaching so she could get an even better paying job. Suddenly, having another baby didn’t feel so overwhelming, and her dreams to one day own an online shop weren’t so elusive.

Thank you for your dedicated giving to Human Coalition – Atlanta. Christina’s baby is alive because you cared enough about the sanctity of life to give. Even though she still struggles from time to time, Christina knows she’s not alone. Your support allows us to walk with her every step of the way.