
How Our Continuum of Care Program Gives Long-term Care and Offers Eternal Hope

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“Samantha” spoke with one of the call agents in Human Coalition’s Contact Center. Her pregnancy test was positive, and she was now desperate to speak with someone about her options. Because she relied on public transportation, Samantha couldn’t get to our brick-and-mortar women’s care clinic. So the call agent scheduled an appointment for her at our women’s mobile clinic, which would be parked near Samantha’s neighborhood later that week.

When Samantha entered the mobile clinic, our staff greeted her warmly. It was clear this young, single woman was scared and confused. She had no job, no family nearby to support her, and no place to live. Her boyfriend had all but abandoned her, and she’d been sleeping on a friend’s couch. In her mind, a baby would make her very bad situation much worse.

During her first visit, Samantha admitted she was abortion-determined and did not want the baby. However, when we paired her up with Becky, our Care Coordinator, things began to change. Becky tailored a personalized plan to address Samantha’s difficult circumstances. In one visit to the welfare office, Becky helped Samantha get access to affordable housing, financial assistance, and medical benefits. An immediate burden had been lifted from Samantha’s shoulders.

Now she could begin thinking more clearly about the life within her.

Over the next few weeks, Becky continued to assist Samantha in accessing social services, including a local food bank and a job assistance program. By the time her first OB/GYN appointment rolled around, Samantha had done a 180 and was firmly committed to LIFE.

But she still felt alone and scared. So Becky went the extra mile and accompanied Samantha to her first prenatal appointment. She lined up childcare so Samantha could continue working after the baby was born. And she connected her with a local church where the young mom could receive material blessings and mentorship.

Grateful for all the support she’d received, Samantha spoke at Human Coalition – Pittsburgh’s annual banquet in 2016. She shared how Becky and her team went above and beyond to care for her and her child. Before leaving the podium that night, Samantha confessed, “I don’t know if I’d be here tonight if it weren’t for Becky.” Two weeks after the banquet, Samantha gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Today, Samantha holds a job and lives in a studio apartment that was beautifully furnished through the generous donations of a local church. Though she still has the daily struggles that come with being a single mom, she knows she is not alone.

Samantha’s story is not unique. Each of our women’s care clinics has instituted a Continuum of Care program to assist women in the midst of their crisis. Whether it’s procuring affordable medical care or financial assistance to help pay this month’s rent, our Continuum of Care Coordinator works alongside local social services and churches to provide for a woman’s immediate and long-term needs.

Since establishing the Continuum of Care program, Human Coalition has increased the number of children rescued from abortion. Our data shows that if we can address the immediate hardships a woman faces, she is much more likely to choose life for her child.

As you can imagine, our Continuum of Care program requires a great deal of support from local churches, volunteers, and financial donors. But the results speak for themselves… when abortion-determined women experience long-term hope and help, they are more likely to choose LIFE.

Thank you for being a part of our lifesaving mission.