Here at Human Coalition, much of our lifesaving work happens beyond the walls of our office, as thousands of people have now downloaded our Prayer App and are committed to pray for abortion-determined women and their unborn children. We just heard an incredible story that reminded me about the importance and power of prayer as we continue to help rescue mothers and babies from abortion.
“Judy” recently discovered that her 27-year-old, unmarried daughter, “Leslie”, is pregnant. While both women are Christians, the baby’s father is not. He insisted that Leslie terminate the pregnancy. Feeling abandoned and alone, Leslie was starting to believe abortion really was her only option. Fortunately, Judy is strongly pro-life and knows about Human Coalition. She even has the HC Prayer App on her smartphone and regularly prays for the women mentioned anonymously in the app’s notifications.
So Judy encouraged her daughter to call a local life-affirming pregnancy center where she could receive a free ultrasound and honest information to help her make a fully informed decision regarding her pregnancy. After much prayer and discussion, Leslie promised her mother she’d call the next day.
That’s when the prayers of Human Coalition Prayer App users can make a difference.
As Judy drove home from work the following day, she received a Prayer App notification on her smartphone, just as she had many times before. But this particular message stopped her in her tracks:

Someone considering abortion
just contacted a life-affirming
pregnancy center in your area.
Judy immediately realized this “someone” was likely her own daughter, and she pulled into the nearest parking lot and began praying. At that moment Judy says she knew her daughter and grandchild were going to be fine. “I knew there were hundreds, if not thousands, of other believers praying for my baby — and her baby! I was so overwhelmed to know that my heavenly Father set this up and He was on His throne actively listening to my prayers.”
Judy and Leslie’s beautiful story reminds us that our efforts to help rescue babies from abortion don’t end when a woman contacts one of HC’s life-affirming pregnancy centers. While free sonograms and one-on-one care undeniably help save lives, your prayerful involvement can also make a significant impact.
With the help of the innovative Human Coalition Prayer App, you can be reminded to pray for each pregnancy center client throughout her life-decision process — even after her initial appointment.
And when a woman chooses LIFE for her child, you’ll be notified and asked to share the good news with your friends and family…an announcement that will excite others and encourage them to join you in prayer!
The Human Coalition Prayer App presents an incredible opportunity to engage in the day-to-day mission to help save unborn babies and their families from the devastating effects of abortion. Don’t keep this exciting opportunity to yourself. Please share the HC Prayer App with your friends and family so more people will get involved and help us end abortion in America.