
“Danielle” Took the Abortion Pill, but…

Danielle Main LD

“Danielle” was one year away from graduating from college when she discovered she was pregnant through a home pregnancy test. She took Plan B to abort her child, but it didn’t work. Since her baby’s father wasn’t dependable, Danielle felt uncertain as to whether or not she wanted to continue the pregnancy or seek an abortion.

Fear Made Her Doubt

Danielle’s mother wanted her to choose life for her grandchild, so together they called the women’s care clinic to make an appointment. When Danielle first came into the clinic, the baby’s father came with her. Danielle stated that she wanted to parent, but she continued to waffle in her decision. She would be facing her last year of college while pregnant, and that felt very scary and uncertain to her. Both sets of grandparents were supportive of Danielle and her boyfriend keeping the baby. And Danielle and her boyfriend wanted children in the future. However, neither one was sure this was the right time to start a family, since they’d been dating only a few months.

A Heartbeat Changed It

However, when Danielle saw her tiny baby and heard its heart beating on the ultrasound monitor, she was shocked. She couldn’t believe there was already a heartbeat. She decided right then that she couldn’t terminate her pregnancy. Danielle’s Continuum of Care coordinator continued to follow up with her, and each time Danielle became more excited about her baby.

Then she hit a major roadblock. Her boyfriend ended their relationship. Danielle reached out to her Continuum of Care coordinator again, who scheduled another ultrasound for Danielle, helping her reconnect with her baby boy.

Compassionate Care

Through our Continuum of Care program, Danielle received the help and support she needed. As Danielle’s Continuum of Care coordinator continued to follow up with her, Danielle gained more confidence in herself and her ability to be a single parent. And now she and her baby boy, “Luke,” are doing well. Luke was born with lots of loving family around him. Danielle said that being a mom is a crazy feeling, but she is so glad she did it because she loves Luke entirely!

Thank You

It’s through ongoing support that Danielle felt loved enough to choose life for Luke. On behalf of Danielle and Luke, thank you for your commitment to provide life-affirming, Christ-centered care to at-risk women. We truly appreciate you!