Less than 24 hours before her scheduled abortion Emberlyn drove two hours to visit our clinic

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“Emberlyn” had always imagined herself married and settled before having a child of her own. But that dream seemed to quickly fade…

Emberlyn’s first visit to our women’s care clinic resulted in a confirmation of her pregnancy and an ultrasound. Feeling overcome with emotion, Emberlyn broke down in tears; but she still couldn’t bring herself to choose life for her baby…at least not yet. For the next few weeks, our staff remained in contact with her, lending our emotional and physical support. But during a follow-up call, Emberlyn told us she had an abortion scheduled for the next day.

Our caregiver discussed the abortion procedure with Emberlyn, who then agreed to come back to our clinic for a second ultrasound to confirm that her pregnancy was still viable.

That evening—less than 24 hours before her scheduled abortion—Emberlyn drove two hours to visit our clinic. A second ultrasound confirmed that her pregnancy was still viable and showed a much bigger and more active baby who twisted and turned on the monitor. Our nurse began fetal development education by pointing to the baby’s hands, feet, and heart. Then, as she began describing the abortion procedure, Emberlyn cried out, “I can’t do it!” At that moment, Emberlyn chose life for her child.

Our staff has continued to walk alongside her, assisting Emberlyn in finding employment to replace the job she’d recently lost. We helped her rewrite her résumé and connect with employment agencies.

As we discussed possible next steps with Emberlyn, she grew excited about being a mom. Today, she lives with her grandmother, and our clinic staff is helping her find a job that will allow her to work and provide for her child.

Please be in prayer for Emberlyn as she parents her child in the midst of difficult circumstances. Your donations to Human Coalition’s work here in Raleigh provide the resources that help women like her choose life for their children—YOU are saving lives!

By standing with Human Coalition here in Raleigh, you are helping to provide holistic care for abortion-determined women and men, giving them every opportunity to choose LIFE for their child.

Thank you for your support!