“Farah’s” Story

FarahMain LD

Farah felt like a foreigner in a strange land. Though she spoke little English, she tried desperately to contribute to her family’s finances by selling cosmetics. Her husband’s job was insecure; and with two small boys at home, they needed all the help she could provide. When Farah discovered she was pregnant with their third child, she was convinced a baby was not in their plans or their budget. According to Farah, her husband would support whatever decision she made. And for Farah, abortion seemed to be the clear choice.

When our Care Coordinator inquired about other options available to her, Farah repeatedly responded, “I can’t think past an abortion. I do what I need to do, and then I go on with my life.”

Later, during our one-on-one counseling session, Farah confessed, “My kids are God’s blessing to me.” But when asked if that could be the case with the baby on the way, Farah responded, “I’m not thinking about it.”

We educated Farah on life, the potential dangers of an abortion, and all of the social services that are available to her and her family. We connected Farah with affordable childcare so she could continue working after the baby came, and we promised to assist Farah’s husband in finding a better paying job. A glimmer of hope shone in her eyes.

Our Care Coordinator kept in touch with Farah, and follow-up communication revealed she was keeping her baby! Our Care Coordinator then connected Farah and her husband with local social services to help alleviate the financial pressure they were under.

By the time baby “Shaiv” was born, Farah had secured childcare, and her husband had found a new job. Their first visit to our women’s care clinic with Shaiv in tow revealed a grateful and joyful family. Perhaps the most heartwarming part of their visit was when Farah’s husband smiled warmly and said we gave them the hope they needed in the midst of their unexpected pregnancy.

Thank you for supporting the lifesaving work of Human Coalition. As we celebrate Respect Life Month, let’s work together to extend hope and tangible help to more women like Farah.