God’s Love Comes Full Circle


Six years ago, Casey visited our women’s care clinic feeling desperate and scared about her unplanned pregnancy. She’d considered getting an abortion; but after meeting with our caregivers, she decided to choose life and parent her child. For the next several months, Casey visited our clinic regularly to attend parenting classes and receive free supplies for her baby. Feeling moved by the help she’d received, Casey decided to go to school to become a sonographer, so one day she could work at our clinic. God used her experience at Human Coalition to evoke a sense of compassion in Casey for other young women facing an unplanned pregnancy. She was now on a mission to offer hope to the hopeless.

More recently, “Sara” visited our clinic looking for an abortion. Because the baby’s father suffered from addiction and mental illness, Sara was afraid to have her baby. Years earlier she’d been raped, which had resulted in a pregnancy. Though she didn’t want to do it, Sara believed abortion was her only option then. But ever since the abortion, she’d been walking around in a constant state of grief and pain.

While Casey was doing Sara’s ultrasound, she asked Sara if she really wanted to abort this baby. All Sara could say was that after what she’d done, she didn’t deserve to have a baby. She didn’t deserve anything good.

Casey spent time with Sara, sharing the story of her own unplanned pregnancy and how God had redeemed what was seemingly a hopeless situation and made it something beautiful. Casey talked about her beautiful daughter whom she’d almost aborted, her husband, and their newborn baby boy. Hearing Casey’s story filled Sara with hope. Perhaps something good could come from this unplanned pregnancy.

Sara chose life for her child and ended up giving birth to baby “Sam.” She and her son are a living testimony to the power of speaking hope into an abortion-determined woman’s situation.

Our clinic focuses on reaching at-risk women like Sara. God has put it on our hearts to minister to the hardest cases, where abortion seems more likely than not. We run into situations that many others turn away from, because it’s in these dark places that God’s light shines the brightest.

Thanks to you, we are able to minister to and provide for Sara and many other women like her. Your financial support is the key to providing compassionate care and hope where none seems to exist.

On behalf of Sara and her son Sam, we are grateful for you.