
Helia’s Story

Helia Main LD

“Helia” was too busy to be sick. With two young children at home, she didn’t have time to feel bad physically. So when her pregnancy test came back positive, Helia felt overwhelmed and devastated. She talked to her boyfriend about it, and they agreed that abortion was the right choice. And then her boyfriend began actively searching for abortion information.

Her boyfriend began seeking abortion information

Thankfully, he called Human Coalition’s National Contact Center. A call agent set up an appointment for Helia at one of our women’s care clinics that day. While at her appointment, Helia shared with her counselor that she’d struggled with health issues during both of her prior pregnancies, and she couldn’t imagine going through that now with two children at home. She also shared that her boyfriend was supportive of her getting an abortion, and she wasn’t ready to handle a third child without his help.

The counselor compassionately listened to Helia’s concerns, encouraging her that there is support and help available, so she wouldn’t have to go through the pregnancy alone. Then Helia received a free ultrasound. However, it was too early in the pregnancy to determine whether or not the pregnancy was viable. So the nurse encouraged Helia to come back for another free ultrasound in a few weeks. Helia agreed.

A strong heartbeat

During her next appointment, Helia was able to see her baby and hear a strong heartbeat. Disturbed by the reality of abortion after seeing her baby moving and stretching on the monitor, Helia decided she couldn’t go through with it. She said no matter what health concerns she might have, she was choosing life for her baby!

Christ-centered care and practical needs

It’s through your ongoing support that Helia felt supported and loved enough to choose life for her baby. Thank you for giving so generously to our mission of serving families and rescuing children from abortion. On behalf of Helia and her child, thank you for your commitment to provide life-affirming, Christ-centered care to at-risk women. We truly appreciate you!