“Kacee’s” Story

KaceeMain LD

“Kacee” is an ambitious college student who has dreams for a great career. But all those dreams came crashing down when a home pregnancy test showed two blue lines. Scared and embarrassed, Kacee began searching online for information on abortion. When she found Human Coalition – Raleigh, Kacee made an appointment at our clinic in hopes of confirming the viability of her pregnancy and the baby’s gestational age.

Our staff greeted Kacee with compassion and we welcomed her questions. After educating her about the pregnancy and the risks associated with abortion, we provided Kacee with a free ultrasound. Barely perceivable, a tiny heartbeat showed on the monitor, and Kacee’s pregnancy was confirmed. But Kacee left her appointment abortion-determined.

Over the course of the next several weeks, our staff stayed in contact with Kacee through texts and emails. We gently encouraged her to stay strong, and we invited her back for a viability scan. This time, Kacee could clearly see her baby’s tiny translucent body wiggling and squirming on the screen and a strong heart beating. It was then that she chose life for her child.

Though Kacee still had to figure out how to balance her career and motherhood, she realized that with all of the support we offered her, she would never be alone in pursuing her dreams.