
Katie’s Story

Life Decision KATIE

The pastor had just issued the challenge: “If we are going to claim to be a pro-life church, then we must act on our convictions. Come and pray at the altar as a symbol of your commitment to helping women who face crisis pregnancies.”

“James” felt the tugging on his heart. Without hesitation, he walked to the altar and dedicated his life to standing in the gap for preborn children and their mothers. Little did he know that God was already orchestrating circumstances to help turn James’ pledge into action.

In another part of town, “Katie” learned she was pregnant… again. It was her third unplanned pregnancy, the first two having been terminated through abortion. Finding our women’s care clinic on the Internet, Katie called us to schedule a free ultrasound and a confidential consultation with a specialist.

In the counseling room, Katie opened up about her lifelong desire to be a mom, and the fairy tale scenario that never seemed to unfold. Instead, she was caught up in a perpetual cycle of falling for the wrong man, only to have her heart broken once more. Meanwhile, she carried the regret of her two abortions and the disappointment that she was once again facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Our caregiver spoke hope into Katie’s situation, painting a picture of what choosing life could look like for her. Recalling that conversation, Katie says she felt encouraged and supported to hear someone declare, “You can do this!”

Because of her age and past abortions, Katie wondered if this might be her last chance at motherhood. In the days to come, she mustered the courage to reveal the pregnancy to her mother, who suggested they pray and ask God to show Katie what she should do.

That’s when God performed a miracle.

Happy and successful at her job, Katie had recently applied for a promotion. However, she now feared she would be denied the promotion on account of her pregnancy. So Katie met with her supervisor to tell him about the pregnancy and express her indecision about whether or not to keep the baby.

Her supervisor – James – sat speechless for a moment and then proceeded to tell Katie about his prayer at the church altar.

Katie then shared that she and her mother had prayed for a sign. James agreed that this was it. “You are having that baby,” he announced confidently.

James reassured Katie that her promotion was secure even with the pregnancy. And she later found out that her new position included the health benefits she needed for both her and her baby!

When Katie found the courage to tell her stepfather she was pregnant, he cheerfully proclaimed, “We’re having a baby!” Similarly, her grandfather greeted the news with excitement, “No matter how they get here, babies are a blessing.”

Months later, Katie returned to our women’s care clinic to show off her new baby to the staff. She also brought the good news that the baby’s father was involved in their lives.

When asked about her experience with our clinic, Katie responded, “Y’all were really there for me when I was so scared in the beginning. You were open, not pushy, and I didn’t feel judged.” She was thankful for the ongoing communication throughout all the months of her pregnancy.

And then she offered this hope to other moms in a similar situation: “Having a baby, even if you feel unprepared, is so rewarding. So just go for it. Keep an open mind. Don’t think that just because you can’t figure things out, you can’t do it. If there’s a will, there’s a way.