
“Kelly” felt conflicted and torn

Kelly Main LD

The last thing “Kelly” was prepared for was another pregnancy. Her youngest child had just turned two, and Kelly felt totally overwhelmed at the thought of having another person to care for. Distraught, she began searching for abortion information. She ultimately chose to reach out to Human Coalition’s national Contact Center. A member of our staff listened and then encouraged Kelly to go to one of our women’s care clinics. They even scheduled an appointment for her. However, two days before she was to come in, she began having doubts and decided to cancel her appointment.

Kelly was still struggling with the emotional pain of an abortion she’d had several years prior. However, the fear and responsibility of parenting another child felt truly overwhelming. Our clinic staff continued reaching out to Kelly, and she agreed to come in for an appointment and ultrasound.

When she came into the clinic, our staff and nurse let her know about the system of care available to her, and they connected her to the state programs that would best serve her needs as well. She was given access to the local food bank so she could get supplies for her family, and she even participated in the Adopt-a-Family Christmas celebration!

Because of the support and encouragement Kelly received, she chose life for her baby boy, “Jake.” She continues to receive help and support through our Continuum of Care program, and she loves what a blessing Jake is to her and her family!

It’s through your ongoing support that Kelly felt loved and supported enough to choose life for Jake. Thank you for giving so generously to our mission of serving families and rescuing children from abortion. On behalf of Kelly and Jake, thank you for your commitment to provide life-affirming, Christ-centered care to at-risk women in DFW. We truly appreciate you!