
“Kelly” wanted an abortion, until she connected with HC

life decision orange


Among her friends and family, “Kelly” was known as the consummate party girl. Embracing her single lifestyle, she indulged in many worldly pleasures , from drugs and excessive alcohol use, to one-night stands with men she barely knew.

Despite warnings from her parents, Kelly never worried about the consequences of her choices. That is, until a positive home pregnancy test confirmed her worst fears. Her carefree lifestyle had finally caught up with her.

Like most young women in crisis, Kelly turned to the Internet for help and searched for abortion information. As she later confessed, the idea of having an abortion was unimaginable, “but being single with a baby brought despair.” Scrolling through the search results, Kelly noticed one ad that seemed to offer hope. She called the number.

By the next day, Kelly was meeting with a nurturing caregiver at one of Human Coalition’s participating life-affirming pregnancy centers. The two of them discussed Kelly’s dreams for the future and how a baby could be a part of it. In Kelly’s words, one of the caregivers “made me see that what I was taking as a curse could actually be a blessing to my life.”


Kelly went home and shared the news of her pregnancy with friends and family. To her surprise, her parents encouraged her to choose Life. Throughout the next week, Kelly reviewed the resources she’d received from the center. She also maintained daily contact with the caregiver, who encouraged her to come back for an ultrasound. That’s when everything changed.

When Kelly saw her baby on the ultrasound monitor, she knew she couldn’t get an abortion. “Five seconds after I heard the heartbeat, I felt a voice say, ‘This is what you need.’ This baby was mine,” Kelly recalls.

Today, Kelly is the proud mother of a healthy baby girl who has helped change her life for the better. Kelly is making responsible lifestyle choices, including no longer engaging in unhealthy relationships with men. Speaking about her life with a baby, Kelly says, “It’s like heaven filled the house.”

The staff at the participating life-affirming pregnancy center continues to stay in touch with Kelly, helping her walk the parenting journey and serving as a source of encouragement and practical help.

Kelly’s baby is one of 3,524 babies that HC has helped rescue from abortion so far this year. Thanks to your support, we can reach abortion-determined women with the truth about their pregnancy, and help them choose Life for their children.

Thank you for being a part of this miraculous journey.