“Lisa’s” Story


If you listened to the voices of our culture, you’d probably conclude that abortion is a woman’s issue. The media, politicians, and abortion advocates attempt to silence men on the basis that since they aren’t the ones who will carry the child or give birth, they have no right to opine on the issue.

Unfortunately, the laws surrounding abortion reflect this anti-men sentiment. Did you know that fathers have no legal grounds for stopping an abortion? In fact, thousands of men each year are legally silenced into submission when their partner chooses to abort.

At Human Coalition – Grapevine, we are intentional in serving both the women and men who enter our doors; because we know that when a father speaks up for the life of his child, the mother is much more likely to choose LIFE.

This was the case for “Lisa” and her boyfriend who visited our clinic last year. Lisa had already visited a Planned Parenthood clinic, and the staff had mistakenly told her she wasn’t pregnant. Lisa didn’t want to go back there, so Lisa’s sister recommended our women’s care clinic.

Having just graduated from high school and hoping to attend nursing school, Lisa admitted she felt stuck. Her boyfriend was excited about the pregnancy, but she didn’t feel this was the right time to have a baby. What about her plans for school? What if her boyfriend changed his mind? What would their families say?

Our Care Coordinators spent time educating Lisa about her pregnancy and discussing the risks of abortion. That’s when she shared that she’d already had one abortion, and she still had emotional scars from it. In response to Lisa’s painful confession, our amazing Care Coordinators counseled and prayed with Lisa, offering her hope and healing. Before she left our clinic that day, Lisa assured us that she would talk to her boyfriend. She also stated her belief that “everything happens for a reason.”

Upon her return to the clinic, we learned that Lisa’s boyfriend couldn’t have been more supportive of her. He told her he would work hard to support the baby and do whatever else he needed to do to make sure Lisa chose LIFE.

That’s the influence and power that fathers hold when they choose to speak up for their preborn children.

Today, Lisa is the proud mother of “Sophie Grace.” And thanks to our Care Coordinators’ help, she found a good-paying job with flexible hours.

Lisa and her boyfriend have the support of both of their families as well, who’ve stepped up to support the young parents.