Read about Melissa, a woman with a crisis pregnancy who had just about given up hope . . . until she found Human Coalition.
I was a single mom and the thought of being pregnant scared me to death.
I felt I had nowhere to turn, so I searched the Internet and found Human Coalition. I ended up at my local pregnancy center where my counselor, Robyn, talked to me and helped me realize everything was going to be okay. She gave me the courage to tell my mom.
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I thought about abortion several times, and my baby’s dad even tried to get me to have one. I am so thankful that Human Coalition led me to Robyn and that she helped me make the decision to keep my baby. She is truly a blessing from God.
I changed my mind about abortion because I didn’t realize [my pregnancy] was so far along, but I don’t think I could live my life knowing I’d killed my child. It would have been very hard on me.
Robyn opened my eyes and made me see the better picture—that God was going to help me. I already had one blessing (a little boy), and God put another one in my life for a reason. God doesn’t do things without reasons. Everyone at the pregnancy center has been truly amazing and helpful, and they pray for me and my family.
Because of Human Coalition and the pregnancy center, I was able to have my beautiful baby girl. If it wasn’t for Robyn, I may not have this beautiful blessing!
At Human Coalition we are on a mission to rescue families and babies from abortion through the powerful combination of technology and grace. So far 1,269 babies have been saved over the past three years—and that number grows each and every day!
But behind each number is a story of a frightened parent who went to the Internet for answers and found Human Coalition. We connect people with their local pregnancy centers where they’re given the full breadth of counseling to equip them in making the best decisions regarding their pregnancies.
Each month, thousands of women like Melissa sit down in front of their computers to look for help in their time of crisis. It’s through your support that Human Coalition reaches these women first, before they go down the regrettable path of abortion.
Please help give more women like Melissa the answers they need regarding their pregnancies.