
HC helps rescue twins!

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When someone says the word abortion-determined, what comes to your mind? For many, the term conjures the image of a single woman…living alone…disadvantaged…possibly uneducated. Others may imagine a young, financially secure, uninhibited woman.

In “Torey’s” case, neither profile fit.

Torey is a married Christian woman with a 4-year-old son. Her husband is disabled, and she herself has struggled with health issues during the past year. So when she suspected she might be pregnant, Torey panicked and turned to the only place she thought could deliver answers—the Internet.

A search for abortion-related information resulted in her clicking on an ad that offered hope in her time of distress. Just one click and a phone call later, and Torey had an appointment scheduled with one of Human Coalition’s Women’s Care Clinics.

On the day of the appointment, our caregivers greeted Torey and her husband with grace and compassion. It was clear from the onset that this young couple feared for their family’s future and felt incapable of caring for another baby. However, the ultrasound changed everything.

There on the monitor were not just one, but two perfectly formed babies. Twins.

Torey and her husband broke into laughter. Although they knew twins run in their family, they never imagined they’d have a set of their own. Immediately, their hearts were changed, and Torey confessed she could never abort twins.

Over the next several months, the clinic’s staff walked alongside Torey and her family to prepare them for the birth of twins. They were provided with diapers, bedding, and baby clothes so that by the time the twins arrived, Torey and her husband felt better equipped to parent their girls. In mid-July, “Sally Faith” and “Alivia Hope” entered the world.


Today, Torey says she can’t imagine life without her beautiful baby girls. Likewise, her 4-year-old son and her husband adore Sally and Alivia.

Someone once said, “Abortion isn’t really about a woman making a choice; it’s about a woman feeling she has no choice.” We work—through the contributions of faithful donors like you—to ensure that every woman feels empowered to welcome the life God is forming inside of her.

Your faithful and prayerful support ensures that we will continue to reach more abortion-determined women in an effort to help them choose Life for their preborn children.

In situations where women in crisis can’t come to us, our Women’s Care Clinics dispatch a state-of-the-art Women’s Mobile Unit to their neighborhood. Our mobile units are fully equipped with a sonogram and trained caregivers who are ready to help.

Human Coalition works to ensure that we reach as many abortion-determined women as possible in all of our participating markets, so they can be given the care they need to help them choose Life.

Thank you for making Torey’s story—and so many other life-saved stories—possible. Because of your support, we’ve helped rescue 3540 babies from abortion! But we have a long way to go before we make abortion unthinkable and unavailable in this country.

We’re counting on your support to get us there.