Client Stories

A Little Support Was All “Joy” Needed
“Joy” didn’t want to abort her baby. After all, she was a Christian. She grew up in a pastor’s home. And she knew from a family member who had gone through an abortion that the regret and guilt that follows can be enough to destroy you. Joy’s conviction to choose life...
A Little Support Was All “Joy” Needed
“Joy” didn’t want to abort her baby. After all, she was a Christian. She grew up in a pastor’s home. And she knew from a family member who had gone through an abortion that the regret and guilt that follows can be enough to destroy you. Joy’s conviction to choose life...
A Little Support Was All “Joy” Needed
“Joy” didn’t want to abort her baby. After all, she was a Christian. She grew up in a pastor’s home. And she knew from a family member who had gone through an abortion that the regret and guilt that follows can be enough to destroy you. Joy’s conviction to choose life...

Callie’s Real Life Story
Today, “Callie” is a happy mother of a baby girl. But only a few months ago, she was pregnant and searching online for abortion-related...

Mary’s Real Life Decision Story
“Mary” had finally gotten a new lease on life. For years, she’d struggled with her weight. She couldn’t fit into airplane seats, ride...

Kristin’s Real Life Story
“Kristin” was in a place she never imagined she’d be. Twenty years old and pregnant—and planning to have an abortion. While she spent her...

The lifesaving impact of a job
When a woman walks into Human Coalition’s women’s care clinic of Pittsburgh believing that abortion is the only logical solution to her...

Rey was pregnant with twins
When “Rey” learned she was pregnant, she went to her local abortion clinic to terminate the pregnancy. However, her credit card was...

Sisters who chose life
When “Shannon” learned she was pregnant, she considered all of her options. As a high school student, Shannon was basically still a child...

Less than 24 hours before her scheduled abortion Emberlyn drove two hours to visit our clinic
“Emberlyn” had always imagined herself married and settled before having a child of her own. But that dream seemed to quickly fade…...

“Iliana” struggled to imagine how she’d be able to care and provide for a newborn
After our clinic sonographer performed an ultrasound and confirmed her pregnancy, “Iliana” was visibly shaken. She asked to speak with our...

Seeing the six-week-old’s heartbeat flashing on the monitor “Suzanne’s” maternal feelings kicked in
“Suzanne” had dreams of graduating from high school, attending a four-year college, and obtaining a law degree. But her parents couldn’t...

Our long-term help for “Jenny” made all the difference.
When “Jenny” visited our women’s care clinic, she was angry at God and determined to get an abortion. She rejected the opportunity to...