Client Stories

“Lauren” – Regaining Hope and Stability
“Lauren” was desperate. When she became homeless, she had to give her children to her family. Desperate for a source of income, Lauren turned to prostitution and stripping to survive. And then she got the news: she was pregnant! She thought, Pregnant? How can I be...
“Lauren” – Regaining Hope and Stability
“Lauren” was desperate. When she became homeless, she had to give her children to her family. Desperate for a source of income, Lauren turned to prostitution and stripping to survive. And then she got the news: she was pregnant! She thought, Pregnant? How can I be...
“Lauren” – Regaining Hope and Stability
“Lauren” was desperate. When she became homeless, she had to give her children to her family. Desperate for a source of income, Lauren turned to prostitution and stripping to survive. And then she got the news: she was pregnant! She thought, Pregnant? How can I be...

HC Reaches 15-Year-Old Rachel in Her Deepest Time of Need
“Rachel” carried a secret with her. At just 15 years old and only a freshman in high school, she was pregnant. For months, she’d kept the...

For Melissa, abortion seemed to be the only logical solution to her unplanned pregnancy.
Every day, women and men enter Human Coalition’s women’s care clinics with the intent of aborting their unborn children. In many cases...

You helped HC reach “Natasha” before she aborted her child
Three years ago, “Natasha” was single and pregnant. Without seeking the support of her friends or family, she visited an abortion clinic...

“Cynthia” Wanted an Abortion
When “Cynthia” reached out to Human Coalition’s Contact Center, she was scared and anxious. She’d just taken a home pregnancy test, and it...

Here’s a story you WON’T read in the media.
Every day at Human Coalition, we help connect dozens of women and men to our life-affirming pregnancy centers, where they receive...

Jen’s Story
Growing up as the daughter of a youth pastor, Jennifer always felt like her life was lived under a microscope. “People look at you and...

Shandriell’s Story

DeAnn’s Life Decision Story
Every day, thousands of women facing unplanned pregnancies search the Internet for abortion or abortion-related terms. Such was the case...

Curious If Your Prayers Are Making A Difference?
Here at Human Coalition, much of our lifesaving work happens beyond the walls of our office, as thousands of people have now downloaded...