Client Stories

Katiya’s Story
“Katiya’s” Story: From Hopeless to Hopeful Thirteen weeks into an unexpected pregnancy, “Katiya” was seeking an abortion. Married at 22 years old, she had no desire to start a family quite yet. She had big plans for her life, and this pregnancy wasn’t one of them at...
Katiya’s Story
“Katiya’s” Story: From Hopeless to Hopeful Thirteen weeks into an unexpected pregnancy, “Katiya” was seeking an abortion. Married at 22 years old, she had no desire to start a family quite yet. She had big plans for her life, and this pregnancy wasn’t one of them at...
Katiya’s Story
“Katiya’s” Story: From Hopeless to Hopeful Thirteen weeks into an unexpected pregnancy, “Katiya” was seeking an abortion. Married at 22 years old, she had no desire to start a family quite yet. She had big plans for her life, and this pregnancy wasn’t one of them at...

An Unexpected Pregnancy Became an Unexpected Transformation
“Nora” had been sitting at the Planned Parenthood clinic for over an hour, anxiously waiting for her name to be called. Today was the day...

A Family Reached, Rescued, and Restored
“Laura’s” family was at risk of falling apart. Her marriage was going through a rough patch. And she had her hands full with their two...

Overcoming Domestic Violence and the COVID-19 Pandemic to Choose Life
“Rose” was in a desperate situation. She was in an abusive relationship. She was raising three children. And she was living in a state of...

A Life Saved During COVID-19
After weeks of going back and forth, “Jen” found herself in the waiting room of an abortion clinic. This wasn’t what she wanted, but...

The Odds Were Stacked Against “Julia” in Every Way
The circumstances surrounding “Julia’s” pregnancy were extremely difficult. If in the same situation, most women would choose to get an...

A Little Support Was All “Joy” Needed
“Joy” didn’t want to abort her baby. After all, she was a Christian. She grew up in a pastor’s home. And she knew from a family member who...

A Support System Empowered “Shelley” With Hope
“Shelley” knew her little boy, “Sam,” would love to be a big brother. But the fear of disclosing an unplanned pregnancy to her family felt...

“Lauren” – Regaining Hope and Stability
“Lauren” was desperate. When she became homeless, she had to give her children to her family. Desperate for a source of income, Lauren...

“Ali” Was Actively Seeking to Abort
“Ali” was devastated. Her long-time boyfriend was going to prison for a very long time. She couldn’t believe it. Fear and panic...

“Neala” Felt She Had No Options
“Neala” came to the women’s care clinic looking for information on abortion. Already a single mom to several children, Neala was behind on...