Client Stories

“Zoe” couldn’t see past the crisis
“Zoe” didn’t know what to do. Her marriage was falling apart, and she knew divorce was inevitable. However, she never anticipated that she’d experience an unplanned pregnancy. Thoughts and fears plagued her. What will people think? Even though Zoe could see a future...
“Zoe” couldn’t see past the crisis
“Zoe” didn’t know what to do. Her marriage was falling apart, and she knew divorce was inevitable. However, she never anticipated that she’d experience an unplanned pregnancy. Thoughts and fears plagued her. What will people think? Even though Zoe could see a future...
“Zoe” couldn’t see past the crisis
“Zoe” didn’t know what to do. Her marriage was falling apart, and she knew divorce was inevitable. However, she never anticipated that she’d experience an unplanned pregnancy. Thoughts and fears plagued her. What will people think? Even though Zoe could see a future...

16 Year Old in Texas Chooses Life
Human Coalition connects abortion-minded women and men with local pregnancy resource centers using Internet technology. And it has proven...

Baby Saved from Abortion Two Days Before Appointment
We have had two more unborn babies saved from abortion this week as a result of Human Coalition and the diligent work of our partner...

Baby in PA rescued from Abortion
On December 27th, a 36 year-old woman in Pennsylvania went online to find an abortion clinic. She has a long-time boyfriend, got pregnant,...

“No One is Going to Make Me Kill My Baby!”
The true story below happened a week ago. Human Coalition works with five pregnancy centers in different parts of the country. Our partner...

A Story of Post-Abortive Redemption
With well over 50 million abortions in America since the early 70's, the number of people whose lives have been impacted by this holocaust...

Another College Student Chooses Life!
In January, Terry (not her real name) went online to find a nearby abortion center. She is a sophomore in college and studying criminal...

A Baby Saved the Night Before Abortion
On Sunday night May 1st, a woman near Pittsburgh, PA went online and searched Google for an abortion facility. She is 8 weeks pregnant and...

Saved 24 Hours Before Abortion
With 61 babies rescued from abortion because of Human Coalition's joint efforts with pregnancy resource centers, we continue to be amazed...

Just a short note to share with you that Human Coalition is closing out its most active life-saving week - a total of 7 babies have been...

Another Abortion Minded Woman Chooses Life Instead
On July 20, a woman called one of our affiliate pregnancy resource centers in Texas through Human Coalition after discovering she was...