Client Stories

“Estelle” Couldn’t Imagine
“Estelle” took a deep breath as she tried to comprehend what the ER doctor was telling her. Pregnant? Pregnant! How could she be pregnant when she’d been responsible? Her mind raced. I used birth control. Stunned, she tried to comprehend the news. Her chest felt...
“Estelle” Couldn’t Imagine
“Estelle” took a deep breath as she tried to comprehend what the ER doctor was telling her. Pregnant? Pregnant! How could she be pregnant when she’d been responsible? Her mind raced. I used birth control. Stunned, she tried to comprehend the news. Her chest felt...
“Estelle” Couldn’t Imagine
“Estelle” took a deep breath as she tried to comprehend what the ER doctor was telling her. Pregnant? Pregnant! How could she be pregnant when she’d been responsible? Her mind raced. I used birth control. Stunned, she tried to comprehend the news. Her chest felt...

Abby’s Story
We have the honor of hearing stories from life-affirming agencies we work with about courageous women and men who reject societal and...

Pray for this 22-year-old, Abortion-minded Woman
I was notified today that the Human Coalition project is already working and effective in our Pittsburgh market. Because of our outreach...

First Life Saved Through Human Coalition!
Yesterday we were elated to find out that, just after one month of operations, a child was saved from abortion due to our collective...

Another Baby Will Be Born Because of Human Coalition
On July 21st, a woman searched for "abortion" on her computer and clicked on the Human Coalition outreach site. From there, she placed a...

Baby #7 Saved Through Human Coalition
On July 29th, a woman connected with her local pro-life pregnancy center through the Human Coalition outreach in Texas. She already has a...

The Meeting of a Lifetime
If you are like me, you have had a handful of profoundly meaningful experiences in your life that have changed you as a person. I had one...

A Baby Saved…In China!
Human Coalition has gone international! Unintentionally. One of our affiliate pregnancy centers in Pennsylvania just sent us this story:...

Brave Single Mom Chooses Life
As Human Coalition continues to grow and expand, we have the honor of hearing stories of courageous women and men who choose life despite...

College Student Chooses Life Over Her Plans
Recently Meghan (not her real name), a college student in Texas, went online to find an abortion provider. She had just discovered she was...

Saved One Day Before Abortion
Let me introduce you to Brandon, who was rescued just one day before he was to be aborted. Brandon’s mother, Lori, (both fictional names)...